Hi from Ohio! New to MFP with about 100 to lose...

Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP but I'm looking forward to finally getting this lifelong weight struggle under control. So far it's going well and I'm hoping that this time my commitment to myself will be enough for me to have strength and keep on track to goal.

I started at 251 pounds (5'4"), I've lost 9.2 pounds since the first of the year, and my goal is to lose 76 in total in 2012. That will put me at 175 pounds, still considered obese by the BMI... I think the ultimate goal would be to get to 145 pounds.

I hope that even when I have a bad day, i will be able to turn to MFP for support and encouragement! I know I'll find like-minded individuals here that I can help support too!

Anyway, I look forward to meeting more of it the longer I'm on here! Best wishes to all of you in your weight loss endeavors!!!


  • I'm 5'4 too and am trying to lose 70lbs. I'm looking for new friends too to keep each other motivated :) add me if you want!