Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 03.19.09



  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    I kind of skimmed through the post today because I'm currently at work.

    Today, my goal is to drink all my water and to exercise.

    I missed the 17 days of exercise post. Are we supposed to be exercising for the next 17 days? I didn't get in any exercise yesterday but I can start today.

    Opera, I'm sorry to hear about your s-i-l. I hope everything works out for her and the baby. I'll be praying for them.

    Good luck everyone. :flowerforyou:

    If you can't do that many its fine...someone just said that was their goal during this challenge to do 17 days of exercise and asked if others wanted to do that too.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Oh, thanks Shannah and Ness. I'm in on that starting tonight. :smile:
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    :flowerforyou: Sounds like everyone is having a great day today!!! Way to go!!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great evening and I'll look forward to each of your smiling faces tomorrow....:heart:
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    This is the first day I've been on target with my food log! I have 700 calories left and I just ate dinner! I'm about to go to the gym so it's good to know I can have a healthy snack later if I get hungry. I took both my dogs for a 60 min walk in the park today and I feel great so far! Oh! and I'm 2 glasses away from my 8 for the day!

    YAY ME!!!:tongue:
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    So I finally decided to take advantage of my gym membership that I have had for a year and haven't used in about 6 months!! I've been using the little fitness center we have at work, doing the treadmill and stationary bike, but I was REEEEEEALLY craving the Elliptical, so I went!! As I went to log it in the database (30 min) it said the number of calories burned was like 408! Holy crap! :noway: I saw a post somewhere about getting a more accurate number: When entering your weight, put yourself at 10-15 lbs lower, and once you get your calorie reading (mine said 258) you subtract 15% of that, giving me 220. It has the sensors on it to measure your heart rate so I'm assuming the machine was a little more accurate. I WISH I had really burned 400 in a half hour but I'm going to stick with the 220 I estimated. Better safe than sorry!! In addition, I did some weight training with the machines. I have also been using the free weights all week, doing some biceps curls and lateral raises but it felt so good to have the more controlled movements of the weight machines. I can't wait to go back!!!!

    Sorry about writing a book!!! LOL!!
  • kel9680
    kel9680 Posts: 173 Member
    just checking in, these last 2 days haven't been good exercise days for me, but i have been withing my calories. my son has gymnastics on weds evenings, so we go right there after i'm done work, and I work full time. and tonight I HAD to clean up when i got home! house was a mess!! i plan on making up for it between tomorrow and this weekend though. we have a family party sat night, so i'm going to try to be good, but i'm gonna run extra on the treadmill sat morning just incase i eat some extra junk food, its a bday party so i know there will at least be cake, and i dont know if i want to turn down cake!!
    good job everyone that got their workouts in!
  • kellya
    kellya Posts: 208
    1 down, 16 more to MOVE IT!

    did outdoor walk/jog interval (1/2 mile incline included), 31:43, 253 cal, 167max/136ave.....this is after a not so good day of eating. have been doing this activity for about 2 weeks now, and definately improving, getting stronger. also have other days which include stretch / tone video OR 5/10 lb weighted ball workout.

    GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! yeah, 2morrow is Friday!
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    I already posted for today but I am so pumped! I had a great run at the gym and still have 500 cals left for today!! And I even cheated a bit and had a small portion of queso and chips. I'm even under on my fat grams. Today is a great day!!:smooched:
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    day 2 for exercise for me!!!
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    :drinker: What's everyone's plan for Exercise today? :drinker:

    Day 2 of 17 Exercise Days:
    Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD - as much as possible as I've not opened it yet!
    ~If that doesn't satisfy my workout needs for tonight, then I'll probably do some weights at the house along with Tae Bo and my stair stepper. :bigsmile:

    I REALLY want to be out of the 240s by SATURDAY! :huh:

    Well today I went for a 20 min walk on my break. I'll go to the gym after work and do the treadmill and some weights. Yesterday all i got in was a walk on my break....but better than nothing!

    You'll make your goal of being out of the 240's by saturday forsure! :smile:

    :frown: :grumble: :angry: OOPS! So after work I went to the hospital to visit and when I got home after 7pm, I was starving and my muscles are VERY sore from my lower body workout last night. I also had to chat with a GF for a looooong time because she's dealing with some emotional stuff right now and needed me. By the time I got around to cooking dinner I was STARVING and just started eating everything. :sad: Seriously....ate the lunch meat in my fridge - and I justified it with the fact that it was too high in sodium to have in there...so finish it off and it wont be there. HELLO?!?!? I should have just thrown it away. ACK! :mad: That was very stupid of me. So...i'll try to get in 2 great cardio workouts Fri and Sat morning and then weigh-in. It's just a slight setback (I hope) and I'll try to double my water intake tomorrow.

    On a better note! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. My SiL gave birth to a beautiful 3lbs 7 oz, 17 1/4 inches long baby girl at 3:09pm. I haven't been able to see her yet as she was whisked away to the NICU and only the parents and grandparents are allowed in to see her. But, my brother is awesome and took some pics on his phone. She's sooooo beautiful, very stable, and doing VERY well - all things considered. I really really REALLY appreciate all the support, thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Both mom and baby are safe and RESTING! :bigsmile: I'm definitely a PROUD AUNT!
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    :drinker: What's everyone's plan for Exercise today? :drinker:

    Day 2 of 17 Exercise Days:
    Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD - as much as possible as I've not opened it yet!
    ~If that doesn't satisfy my workout needs for tonight, then I'll probably do some weights at the house along with Tae Bo and my stair stepper. :bigsmile:

    I REALLY want to be out of the 240s by SATURDAY! :huh:

    Well today I went for a 20 min walk on my break. I'll go to the gym after work and do the treadmill and some weights. Yesterday all i got in was a walk on my break....but better than nothing!

    You'll make your goal of being out of the 240's by saturday forsure! :smile:

    :frown: :grumble: :angry: OOPS! So after work I went to the hospital to visit and when I got home after 7pm, I was starving and my muscles are VERY sore from my lower body workout last night. I also had to chat with a GF for a looooong time because she's dealing with some emotional stuff right now and needed me. By the time I got around to cooking dinner I was STARVING and just started eating everything. :sad: Seriously....ate the lunch meat in my fridge - and I justified it with the fact that it was too high in sodium to have in there...so finish it off and it wont be there. HELLO?!?!? I should have just thrown it away. ACK! :mad: That was very stupid of me. So...i'll try to get in 2 great cardio workouts Fri and Sat morning and then weigh-in. It's just a slight setback (I hope) and I'll try to double my water intake tomorrow.

    On a better note! Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. My SiL gave birth to a beautiful 3lbs 7 oz, 17 1/4 inches long baby girl at 3:09pm. I haven't been able to see her yet as she was whisked away to the NICU and only the parents and grandparents are allowed in to see her. But, my brother is awesome and took some pics on his phone. She's sooooo beautiful, very stable, and doing VERY well - all things considered. I really really REALLY appreciate all the support, thoughts, prayers and well wishes. Both mom and baby are safe and RESTING! :bigsmile: I'm definitely a PROUD AUNT!

    I got my work out, but didn't make the best food choices today! So I understand what your sayin. Glad mom and baby are doing well! I'll still keep them in my prayers. i'll be an aunt for the first time in August...its not the ultimate situation...its a long story...but i'm excited for the baby! Have a great night...tomorrow is a new day!