Addicts in recovery trying to lose weight

I am a drug addict. I have been trying to get clean for almost a year. I currently have 34 days clean off of heroin, meth, cocaine, alcohol, etc........ When I first got clean I gained a lot of weight, like 80 lbs and I'm struggling because I know this diet works, but I also know if I were to shoot Meth for like 2 weeks I would be at my goal... Any suggestions? Anyone gone through anything similar to this?


  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    hi hon!! :)

    welcome. there are a couple of recovery groups on here. feel free to add me. i'm laura and i'm 4.5 years sober (alcohol was my drug of choice). i honestly don't know what it's like to gain a ton because of getting off a hard drug but i guarantee you that in the long run, you will get the weight off and will also be clean!
  • 3 months sober (alcohol doc) I started gaining and then started this weight loss program. The only thing I can add is I think you kind of have to break everything (break it to fix it) then re-build yourself as the person you want to be. I'm a non-drinker who also eats healthy.

    Hang in there - tough for us gals who are battling more than one demon.
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Hear ya, but you know as well as I that as soon as you quit ALL the weight comes back plus some. Plus, I always felt guilty when people would say "oh, your looking so good since you lost weigt" If only they knew. Best wishes to you on your journey.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you can always be addicted to going to the gym or walking till the cows come home!!! welcome to my old world when i first changed my life 25 yrs only gets better.. keep moving forward! back then i got a bicycle and hiked my *kitten* everywhere i could possibly humanly physically make it ..many times i rode my bike to the gym which was five miles away.,id work out at the gym and then ride home.. it took the place of sitting on a bar stool and getting in trouble .
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Read by profile. I'm 17 months clean from pills and meth. I'd love to be in group with other people in recovery. I gained 100 lbs in a year from getting clean and getting pregnant. I lost everything in life because of drugs, am fighting to get 2 felonies off my record and staying clean one day at a time.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I know how much of a temptation it is to relapse to lose the weight too. Plus having no energy for months is terrible. My adrenal system was so shot that I couldn't get out of bed for months and I gained about 5 lbs a week just from being off the speed. You can add me if you'd like.. I know all about what you're going through.