celebration meals

I feel like a lot of people think that you can't go out to eat or have huge meals when trying to lose weight. For the most part I eat little meals and really watch my intake, but today was a day of celebrating in our house. My husband reached a new sobriety milestone and requested indian food for dinner. The closest indian place to us is about 40 minutes, so instead I hit up our local Whole Foods and bought everything to make a nice dinner at home. Our menu for the night was Paneer Makhani, Chicken Korma, Samosas, Garlic Naan, and Brown Rice. Oh man, I knew dinner was going to be sooo much calories, but I planned in advance and kept my calories super low throughout the day so I could really enjoy our dinner. Veggies with cheese sauce for breakfast and an apple for lunch meant I could totally indulge at dinner and have some dessert too...dinner alone was almost 800 calories. Plan ahead and you can totally go out to eat in the evening or have a fancy big dinner at home.


  • YouKnowWhoThisIs
    I think the biggest challenge is not coming up with a reason to celebrate too often. What you describe is indeed worth celebrating, but sometimes special food just becomes ordinary food, and treats start becoming daily, etc. Also some people wrongly equate celebrating with eating, when there are other ways to celebrate.