TDEE questions

Subject Myself
Male, 36, CW:212lbs
Exercise Level - Sedentary Job Exercise Level 4-6 times per week of moderate to Vigorous activity

The tool I used returned TDEE 2426 For my goal weight of 170. Lets even go one step back and say I dont exercise quite that much and we will use 2330.

So to me this means that if I exercise at that level and intensity and I eat 2330 calories everyday Ill theoretically lose 1 lb a week

So this all comes down to caloric expenditure during exercise which I think is the real hang up for everyone. If I input 30 min of running at 10min/mile MFP returns 481 calories of burn for me. I went back and looked at an outside run I did with my Garmin 305 forerunner and found a close fit to that. Time: 30:28 Avg pace: 9:43 Caloric burn: 493. To me this means that MFPs estimation is close enough that I can actually use its estimations. Would every one agree?

MFP Estimate
30 Min
481 Calories

Garmin Estimate
493 Calories

If that is the case and I do 60 min of stationary cycling at the gym at a moderate effort (12-14 mph according to MFP) and I keep my tension and cadence to a level that my distance and time comes to a `12-14mph pace Its safe to assume that I have actually burned the 673 calories that MFP suggests even though I may not break a sweat because 12-14 MPH is a nice easy bike ride. Right Triathletes?

I guess my question is am I able to trust MFP's estimate. And if not, am I safe to always eat 1800-2000 calorie TOTAL as long as I stay within that Exercise expenditure. OR according to MFP if I dont exercise I should only eat 1460 cals which I believe is low. currently set to lose 2 lbs i think.


  • janeebabes
    janeebabes Posts: 9 Member
    Most of the equipment I have used at the gym has calorie counters on and I have compared these values to those on here and found them to be very similar. On the days I have burned say 500 cal at the gym I have found that if i don't increase my calorie intake inline with whats recommended on here i crave all the bad stuff and lack energy. A 1lb loss is the equivilent of dropping 3500 calories (500 cal per day) be that by reduced calories of burning it off. so theoretically what MFP is advising you to eat even after excercise is still 500 cal less than you would need that day. don't know if my waffle helps :)

    I would say increase your calories in line with your exercise but maybe not to the full extent if your worried and see if you find the weight coming off. But a few people have noticed (not myself as yet) that not eating their excercise calories has had a negative effect on their weight loss by causing the body to hoard every calorie and that when they increased their intake as MFP suggested the weight began to come off again
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Anyone else want to weigh in??