how do you beat the SIZE hangup??

So I'm reading other people's posts and pages and I keep getting tripped up by clothing size. I see people who weigh around the same as me (sometimes less) and think about how much I love my frame because I look like I weigh less. I'm just blessed that way. But then I read that they wear sizes far smaller than I do and it trips me up. Or I see someone who wears the same size I do and think wow, do I look like that? And I know that I don't.. but I keep really getting bothered by the whole size thing. And I know its completely ridiculous because sizes are sooo not universal or "right".

Anybody have/had this same hang up? How do/did you battle it? And yes, I know this post if totally selfish and shallow lol. Thanks for reading anyway ;)


  • Tofteberg
    Tofteberg Posts: 61 Member
    I noticed that the more I was willing to spend on clothes the more generous the sizes were. Great marketing. I stopped being hung up when I realized that every brand seems to see the size fnumber differently! Plus all of us have different shapes so we wear different sizes even if our height and weight are the same. Try focusing on what's changing in how your clothes fit. My favorite is loosing muffin to p!!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    my mom always taught me that it's not what the tag says, it's how it makes you look and feel. I admit that I feel better in a smaller size, but at the end of the day I'd rather buy size 10 jeans that look good on me and cut the tag out (lol I don't really) than buy size 8 jeans and be miserably uncomfortable. I try to remember that I have the coveted hourglass figure so it's ok that I don't have great legs too ;)
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Like mentioned above, I cut the tags out - LOL

    Ok, I don't really - but makes me wonder if I should, because we all know that different brands of clothing aren't sized the same.
    Why should I feel bad about the size?? If it looks good and fits MY body type - that's the important thing to remember.

    I've lost weight around my middle, but still have some extra on the hips that I hope will soon go away, but until then I try to buy jeans that flatter my current shape. I've found a boot cut jean looks better on me vs a skinny leg jean. Somehow the flare at the bottom doesn't call as much attention to my hip area that the skinny leg jeans do. Also the boot cut seems to make my legs look longer which helps balance out my overall size.

    Good luck with not letting the size bother you!!