My scale is cruel.



  • dolphingrl2481
    dolphingrl2481 Posts: 60 Member
    what kind of scale did you get. i bought mine from walmart and it seems like every time i weigh myself a few times one after another i get a different amount. it drives me nuts cause i need to see progress.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    get new batteries for ur scale and make sure its on a hard surface like cement. i hate when my scale does that. :)
  • shatter179
    I work at on OB/GYN and unfortunately our scales our typically correct, we have to calibrate them. I tell my patients that they have to remember that when they weigh at home it is probably first thing in the morning and they are probably naked, LOL. Usually it is only a 3-4 pound difference which def could be the difference in clothes vs no clothes. Ladies no worries, go by how your clothes fit and not so much by what the scales say...I myself get very discouraged. I personally don't own a scale at home, because I know I would be a crazy women about weighing every single day, and that would lead to me getting more and more discouraged. So I limit myself to weighing once per week at our office in the same scrubs.....Good luck to all of you!!:happy:
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Make sure your scale is on a firm level surface and that you are standing straight with your weight evenly distributed. You can see how much the readout varies if you rock side to side, so you can imagine how easy it is for it to vary 3 pounds.