Question for runners

How cold is TOO cold to run outside for you? I dread the treadmill, and much prefer outdoor trail running. Somedays, I just can't get myself out in the chilly Minnesota winter. So if you also prefer an outdoor run, what is your rock bottom tempwise?


  • soon2bhotmom
    soon2bhotmom Posts: 108 Member
    I dont mind the cold, its the wind I cant run in. So as long as its calm, I go out.
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    Like the pp said, it isn't so much the cold but the wind (and precipitation!). I try to avoid pruposely running in rain or snow but don't mind the cold.
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    I ran in 17 degrees the other day. That was the coldest I have done so far. A running buddy of mine said "There is no bad weather for running only bad running gear." I wear Under Armour Cold Gear pants, top, and gloves as well as an Under Armour hoodie and it wasn't so bad. My lungs felt it a little. You do what you can do. I hate the Dreadmill so for me it is worth it to get outside.
  • dntworribhappi
    dntworribhappi Posts: 131 Member
    It was 3 degrees outside today with a windchill of -2. There wasn't much wind to speak of. There was freshly fallen snow on the trail, and the snow was just tapering off. It was chilly for the first few minutes, but then it was actually pretty decent and very pretty! I had lots of layers on top and a couple on my legs, and ice cleats on the bottom of my shoes. It was much better than the treadmill! But I also agree about the wind. It makes a huge difference!
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member
    I LOVE running. Ever since I trained myself to run ;) I like to run at night when it's in the 70's. (I live in fla) anything below that hurts my bones for some reason!
  • usafbeach
    usafbeach Posts: 147 Member
    A running buddy of mine said "There is no bad weather for running only bad running gear."

    I agree with this completely. You can work out in any climate if you have the right gear.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    So far... my coldest is about 25 degrees... but I'd be willing to run in colder. I have good cold weather running gear, so I know I can handle colder. :)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Coldest so far -25C. Not bad. More difficult is running in deep snow, poor visibility, etc. And I need a face mask that doesn't fog up my glasses, so I don't miss the curbs . . .

  • dntworribhappi
    dntworribhappi Posts: 131 Member
    Wow -25! That is serious dedication. Where are you running? (What state?)
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    I only run on the dreadmill as a LAST resort....when its pouring buckets outside (I don't want to ruin my shoes....they cost too much!). Every other situation is fair game. So far the coldest I have run in is 25. We will see if my dislike of the treatmill still holds true for summer. I can't stand to be too warm when I run, so summer temps might have me inside on the treadmill far more often than cold, wet winter days do.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member

    Wow -25! That is serious dedication. Where are you running? (What state?)
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Wow. -13 deg F is pretty cold. I probably haven't run in weather any colder than single digits. I have good cold weather gear and a face mask but agree with above poster about the wind. The wind really makes a run not so much fun very quickly.
  • bigdawg62
    bigdawg62 Posts: 127 Member
    My coldest has been -8 below. I have several runs under zero. You really have to wear a face mask covering your mouth, as you shouldnt breathe the super cold air directly into your lungs. As a result your oxygen intake is greatly reduced so that if feels like your suffocating as you run. I really dont recomend running more than an hour when the temps are under zero as frostbite is a real possibility and the cold starts to penetrate any part of the body that isnt quite layered enough. Usually my thighs and feet start to get cold. I dont mind anything above 5 degrees is ok as long as there isnt much wind.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    The only running weather I hate is high heat or High humidity
  • I can't stand to run inside. I have run as low as 12 outside. I'll walk no matter how cold, but under 10 I don't run. (Hurts my lungs.) The ice and snow are what really bother me. The 50's aren't kind to broken bones. I don't need to worry about a fall.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    The coldest for me so far is -10C. We've had a really really warm winter so far.

    I don't mind the cold so much, but yes, I agree, the wind is awful.

    Dress in layers and you should be able to run in anything. Almost.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Hasn't been too cold here yet but it has been too wet...
    I like running in the rain but sometimes its just a little too rainy.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Got in a -10F (-25F with windchill) last winter. It was bad, but the right gear will get you through it.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I feel like such a wimp. ran in -2c this week. was fine during, but coughed up a lung after! I thought i was super tough and hard. but clearly from this thread, i don't know what tough is!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    WOW - You guys are making me feel bad!!!! I am a new runner...not sure I like for a half marathon and wanted to run this weekend and push myself to my next personal best 5-6's cold and rainy wind too but my cold is 53.

    Have a Great Weekend