The 1200 Calorie Diet



  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Thanks so much for your time to answer my question. Very inspiring! I did order my dress a size smaller. Maybe I shouldn't lose 30 pounds too quickly.I just really want to fit my dress without looking squeezed into or have it too loose fitting, either! It's so nerve racking! We planned the wedding rather quickly. My soon to be husband is leaving for PA for a job and we don't know for how long. I just want to be beautiful on our wedding day!

    I weighed 240lb on my wedding day back in 2004 and I thought I looked beautiful :wink:
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    Me? Rude? Nah!
    If anyone reads any of the forums before posting they can see a lot of posters talking about how to diet and how not to diet.
    Going into a life change shouldnt be done blindly!
    You should research and get all the proper info before cutting calories way too low.
    You spend any time on these forums and youll see 100 forum posts about "1200 calorie diet yaddah..." a week!

    If you want a sustainable diet you need to eat the proper nutrients and work out.

    My Picard pic got your attention though didnt it?

    humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Thanks so much for your time to answer my question. Very inspiring! I did order my dress a size smaller. Maybe I shouldn't lose 30 pounds too quickly.I just really want to fit my dress without looking squeezed into or have it too loose fitting, either! It's so nerve racking! We planned the wedding rather quickly. My soon to be husband is leaving for PA for a job and we don't know for how long. I just want to be beautiful on our wedding day!

    Just start eating at a healthy deficit, eat back your exercise calories, and you'll be fine. You want to be healthy (and not faint) on your big day. Like I said, your wedding will be wonderful no matter what the scale says. Also it might be wise to stop when you go for your final fitting and maintain until the wedding. A loss of maybe 5 lbs might not hurt but you don't want your dress to fall off! Mine looked ok from the front but was obviously saggy in the back. And if you're worried about photos-- just get a photographer who knows what they're doing. Even with my dress issues I'm very happy with my photos because my photographer was clever with angles and photoshop. :) You have enough stress planning a wedding without adding to it. Feel free to friend me if you need support.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Thanks so much for your time to answer my question. Very inspiring! I did order my dress a size smaller. Maybe I shouldn't lose 30 pounds too quickly.I just really want to fit my dress without looking squeezed into or have it too loose fitting, either! It's so nerve racking! We planned the wedding rather quickly. My soon to be husband is leaving for PA for a job and we don't know for how long. I just want to be beautiful on our wedding day!

    I weighed 240lb on my wedding day back in 2004 and I thought I looked beautiful :wink:

    Can I get a hail yes?

    I'm 223 pounds and gorgeous.

    I'm losing weight, slowly, for my health. You know that man you're marrying is gonna look at you coming down the aisle and think "HOT DANG, I'm one lucky SOB"... Weight loss or no weight loss.

    PLEASE do it healthy. As a general rule, the slower/more healthfully it comes off, the longer it STAYS off. That requires a lifestyle change.

    You shouldn't have to make yourself miserable-- and anyone who says they are perfectly content eating only 1,200 a day AND exercising constantly is lying through their malnourished gums and teeth.

    Make healthier choices, drink your water, eat smart-- not strict. And exercise. The weight will come off and you'll feel amazing.

    You're already going to LOOK amazing, regardless.
  • Thanks so much for your time to answer my question. Very inspiring! I did order my dress a size smaller. Maybe I shouldn't lose 30 pounds too quickly.I just really want to fit my dress without looking squeezed into or have it too loose fitting, either! It's so nerve racking! We planned the wedding rather quickly. My soon to be husband is leaving for PA for a job and we don't know for how long. I just want to be beautiful on our wedding day!

    Beauty doesn't have a weight limit, sweets.

    It sure doesn't. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member

    humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!

    Relax! I help more people than hurt.
    And I dont understand why someone would want to eat 1200 calories a day and possibly slow down metabolism when you could eat up to 2k a day and still lose weight the healthy way.
    Thats all.
  • make sure to eat your exercise calories!!! :)
  • I started Oct. 13th, and to date, down 30 pds..I too was on the 1200 calorie diet, so it is achievable, but I agree with a prior post, Cardio and eating back all calories is a must..if not your body will begin to store fat, and you wont lose as quickly..I did cardio 6-7 days a week, and was able to lose 1-2lbs a week the first month..after the first month, it does get harder to lose, so I would say really stick to a healthy diet the first month, and do as much excercise, so when you begin the second month, your body is able to increase in endurance and your able to do wishes!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Well, Im very small at 5'1" and MFP has me losing half a pound a week at 1200 calories.

    At 5'8", if I were you Id take advantage of your ability to eat more daily and still lose weight.

    And get some exercise in so you can eat more. Thats what I do. I dont necessarily eat ALL of my workout calories back but enough to feel satisfied.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is my last post on this forum so i'll leave you with a nugget of wisdom!

    Know your dietary numbers!

    TDEE <---how many calories you burn daily
    BMR <---how many calories your vital organs need if you were to sleep all day or be a couch potato.
    Body Fat % <---the ratio of fat to lean mass you have.

    If you know these numbers you can do just about anything weight wise with your body.

    Most crash diets that take you to or below BMR will aid in losing weight for a short time but you WILL lose lean mass and you WILL slow metabolism after extended periods of VLD.
    This is bad.
    Knowing your TDEE you can adjust calories accordingly to lose, gain or maintain weight.

    You will lose the same amount of weight at 20% less TDEE than you will dropping calories to or below BMR.
    This is because the human body is only capable of losing so much fat per day then it starts dipping into lean mass.

    For more info on finding out your personal numbers you can google Fat To Fit Radio Tools and do the foot work that will give you a sustainable diet. 1) military body fat calculator and 2) BMR tool.
    Youll be surprised at how much you can eat and lose weight!
    Ask Sunshine on here!

    I'm going to bed!
    I lose fat when I sleep now because I eat right!
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    it's all about what your BMR is at. From there - you can have a 500 to a max (i believe) 1000 deficit, but 1200 is the very loweest you should ever go.

    I'm 5'8" 144lbs and at 1200 cals, it's less than a 500 calorie deficit (very very generally speaking, you'll lose 1 lb after a deficit of 3,500 calories). So even at the lowest possible amount, i can only lose less than 1 lb / wk. But on my workout days - like today - I'm eating 2,000 calories.

    figure out your bmr first. like others said - there is no "1200 calorie" diet.
  • _snw_
    _snw_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    it's all about what your BMR is at. From there - you can have a 500 to a max (i believe) 1000 deficit, but 1200 is the very loweest you should ever go.

    I'm 5'8" 144lbs and at 1200 cals, it's less than a 500 calorie deficit (very very generally speaking, you'll lose 1 lb after a deficit of 3,500 calories). So even at the lowest possible amount, i can only lose less than 1 lb / wk. But on my workout days - like today - I'm eating 2,000 calories.

    figure out your bmr first. like others said - there is no "1200 calorie" diet.

    actually - what dan said. the 20% deficit is a much better figure than a straight caloric #
  • gleechick609
    gleechick609 Posts: 544 Member
    I am on the 1200 calorie diet in hopes of losing 30 pounds by my wedding, April 21, 2012! Has anyone been successful losing that much so quickly? I am about 5'8" and I started in at 230 before Christmas and am currently at 213.5! I really want to look confident in my wedding gown. I do exercise 2-3 times per week. Walking on the treadmill, recently started doing Zumba, and I occasionally lift 5 pound weights for upper body toning. I eat healthy calories only and with nutritional value. And water! Water!water!

    So, I would love to hear success stories and any advice!

    If you were a couch potato and didn't exercise at all, to maintain your weight of 213, you would need to eat roughly around 2100 calories a day.... I would raise your 1200 calorie diet to a 1600 calorie diet. I think you will be successful with more calories.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am on the 1200 calorie diet in hopes of losing 30 pounds by my wedding, April 21, 2012! Has anyone been successful losing that much so quickly? I am about 5'8" and I started in at 230 before Christmas and am currently at 213.5! I really want to look confident in my wedding gown. I do exercise 2-3 times per week. Walking on the treadmill, recently started doing Zumba, and I occasionally lift 5 pound weights for upper body toning. I eat healthy calories only and with nutritional value.

    If you only have so much time, don't waste it on 5lbs on upper body toning, I'm guessing you mean the arms. You want weight loss first, and the biggest muscles in your body burning fat 24 hrs day will be the most impact. Your bicep and tricep are not those biggest muscles. As you loose weight, you can add those in later.

    Since you are mainly relying on diet then, and not massive amounts of exercise, you must nail some figures as best as possible. And increase your daily activity from parking farther, taking stairs, walking around office frequently, ect.

    And you probably don't want your metabolism slowing down right now, making it harder to burn. Because even more muscle, operating slower, doesn't help. And I'll bet you are heading in that direction eating so little.

    So here is a suggestion that may just apply to many on here.

    Several places for inaccuracies that if they all go one direction, could have your calorie goals higher than they should be.
    Or if they all go the other direction, having the goal way lower than it should be. Which is the other reason for not seeing advancement.

    But it could be your BMR estimate by MFP is wrong.
    Which means your calculated maintenance calories based on that is wrong, and if the wrong activity level, even more wrong.
    And then your exercise calories could be way off if not using a decent HRM estimate.

    So suggestion:
    Confirm your BMR using another respected formula, which requires bodyfat % and is more accurate.
    Get a better estimate of daily activity for the maintenance calories.
    Do your math for weight loss to get your daily calories.
    Update MFP.
    Figure out if exercise calories is way off.

    Here is site for getting your body-fat %. May not be super accurate, but the estimate is good enough for use in calculations.
    The plus here is, you record these measurements in MFP as additional things to track and see positive progress.

    Take the results over to here after noting them.

    Change height to BF in the calculator, and the Katch-McArdle formula is used for BMR.
    Do NOT include exercise in the levels and time of activity, because you'll still enter that into MFP and it will credit you, but really thing about your normal average daily activity levels and time outside exercise.
    Now you have a better BMR figure (keep that in mind because you should not eat below that ever) and more importantly, maintenance calories.

    Now do the math from those maintenance calories just like MFP does on it's estimate.
    500 cal/day is 1lb week. Add 250 to that figure depending on being realistic. Even 10% of maintenance is recommended sometimes.
    So take that calorie figure from the maintenance calories - and there is your goal calories.
    This should NOT be below your BMR figure. You should never eat below what your body requires for basic life, unless you just want to slow your metabolism down and make weight loss harder.
    If it is lower, your goal calories can be your BMR, but you would be better served sticking to 10% in that case.

    Now you can enter that figure in MFP Goals manually. Don't worry about the figures on the right now, but may be interesting to see how it compares to that formula.

    Now go to Enter Weight, and Add additional measurements for what you took for the body fat %.

    Now eat back those exercise calories, and use a cheap HRM to get some sort of decent estimate.

    Do this all over again in a month. And progress beyond the scale can be seen now too.

    Example here. (30 yr old female, 180 lbs, desk job - not me)
    Body fat% calculated - 32%
    8 hrs resting, 15 very light, 1 light
    BMR - 1572
    Maintenance - 2162
    Goal weight loss weekly - 1lb, 3500 calories, 500/day
    Goal calories - 2162-500= 1662 daily (just above BMR, so would have been unrealistic to attempt 2lb/weekly).

    Any exercise gets logged, and manually corrected by HRM estimate of calorie burn.
    Extra food eaten is snack before and after workouts that are balanced carb/protein, with extra protein afterwords.
    Want to feed that muscle, since that is what will help it grow, and burn fat 24hrs a day.
  • This is my last post on this forum so i'll leave you with a nugget of wisdom!

    Know your dietary numbers!

    TDEE <---how many calories you burn daily
    BMR <---how many calories your vital organs need if you were to sleep all day or be a couch potato.
    Body Fat % <---the ratio of fat to lean mass you have.

    If you know these numbers you can do just about anything weight wise with your body.

    Most crash diets that take you to or below BMR will aid in losing weight for a short time but you WILL lose lean mass and you WILL slow metabolism after extended periods of VLD.
    This is bad.
    Knowing your TDEE you can adjust calories accordingly to lose, gain or maintain weight.

    You will lose the same amount of weight at 20% less TDEE than you will dropping calories to or below BMR.
    This is because the human body is only capable of losing so much fat per day then it starts dipping into lean mass.

    For more info on finding out your personal numbers you can google Fat To Fit Radio Tools and do the foot work that will give you a sustainable diet. 1) military body fat calculator and 2) BMR tool.
    Youll be surprised at how much you can eat and lose weight!
    Ask Sunshine on here!

    I'm going to bed!
    I lose fat when I sleep now because I eat right!

    Thanks for your input, Dan!
  • avk9802
    avk9802 Posts: 84 Member

    humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!

    Relax! I help more people than hurt.
    And I dont understand why someone would want to eat 1200 calories a day and possibly slow down metabolism when you could eat up to 2k a day and still lose weight the healthy way.
    Thats all.

    If you're eating 1200 calories a day but you're working out hard core.. how could your metabolism possibly slow down?
    I eat LESS than 1200 calories a day and NEVER eat back my work out calories and I've lost A LOT of weight.

    Ever seen a fat anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    You would need to work out like a fiend. Like 6-7 days a week.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!

    Relax! I help more people than hurt.
    And I dont understand why someone would want to eat 1200 calories a day and possibly slow down metabolism when you could eat up to 2k a day and still lose weight the healthy way.
    Thats all.

    If you're eating 1200 calories a day but you're working out hard core.. how could your metabolism possibly slow down?
    I eat LESS than 1200 calories a day and NEVER eat back my work out calories and I've lost A LOT of weight.

    Ever seen a fat anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.

    Ever see a strong, fit, healthy anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.
  • slmclellan
    slmclellan Posts: 6 Member
    I went from about 220 down to 200 in about 3 months last year. I had my settings for 1.5 lbs per week and was allowed about 1550 calories a day. I started working out, did kickboxing twice a week and deep water running another day. Kicked up the exercise to 5 days a week and added a weight class and have dropped another 30lbs in about 4 months. Totally doable even on more than 1200 calories, personally I couldn't survive on that few, and I do eat some of my exercise calories.

  • humm hello I have been on here for a year...i just thought you were rude with your picture of the Trekkie have some compassion...btw my doctor advise me to stay on a 1200 to 1300 calorie diet it works for some and not others...she was just asking a question no need to be a smart *kitten*.....done!

    Relax! I help more people than hurt.
    And I dont understand why someone would want to eat 1200 calories a day and possibly slow down metabolism when you could eat up to 2k a day and still lose weight the healthy way.
    Thats all.

    If you're eating 1200 calories a day but you're working out hard core.. how could your metabolism possibly slow down?
    I eat LESS than 1200 calories a day and NEVER eat back my work out calories and I've lost A LOT of weight.

    Ever seen a fat anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.

    Ever see a strong, fit, healthy anorexic person?
    Didn't think so.

    Exactly. Think that an anorexic person could go back to eating 2,000 calories and not put on fat? No, because they have slowed their metabolism.

    Continue to eat that little. Continue to lose muscle mass and slow your metabolism.
    Some of us like to promote eating more to lose.
    I am a great example. 5ft2 with a TDEE of 2250 calories on a REST DAY.