Hello i am new

I am looking to get back in shape, not feeling healthy and wanting my energy for my daughter and look hot for my husband.


  • roxy8311
    roxy8311 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new as well. A friend just turned me on to this site, it's great to keep track of what you're eating, and it does all of the math for you! I'm in Hawaii... you?
  • I am from Vancouver, a friend of mine also turn me on to this site, really hoping it works...have you liked it?
  • I am new as well just signed up about hal an hour ago. was in fine shape until i moved to vancouver for school, now i live off pasta, and have gained way too much weight, cant wait to lose it all!
  • Lyndzer
    Lyndzer Posts: 41
    I joined yesterday.
    I like that it makes you more aware of what you are putting in your body :o)
    have read a few success stories!

    I am in Arizona now, but originally from Ontario, Canada

    I want to lose 81 lbs
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    i joined on the 4th, have lost 12+ lbs. Really like site, no pressure just encouragement and guidance. Good luck from Blighty.
  • welcome here and I hope you have a great day
  • I have had a baby and got married, and i think i am getting to comfortable and have gone lazy, i am hating myself for it. I really want to be a healthy fit mom and a sexy women for my husband.
  • My friend turned my on to this and it really has helped for her and her sister. So i am really hoping it will help for me
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Hello! Glad you are here. This site gives a lot of encouragement and support. You will really like it.
  • Welcome!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hello! Glad you are here. This site gives a lot of encouragement and support. You will really like it.

    I am liking it and it is only my second day.
  • BobbieJo_1977
    BobbieJo_1977 Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome! This site is FANTASTIC! :happy:
  • aru127
    aru127 Posts: 1
    My name's Amber and I joined about 8 hours ago. I'm a college student from Missouri and ever since my mom moved to Colorado I've been living by myself for the first time. Needless to say Ramen has been a huge part of my diet. Not to mention I work at Subway so if I'm not at home I'm eating bread whenever I go on break at work. Holy carbs batman! I've always had trouble with my weight, and I'm looking for a way to lose weight without having to completely change my lifestyle. Of course, not eating Ramen noodles anymore won't bother me one bit! :smile:
  • shaparra
    shaparra Posts: 32 Member
    You will find lots of great support here. I joined about a week ago and its been so helpful. please feel free to add me if you like. I have lost 4 lbs already slowly but surely i will get to where i want to be. you'll do great on this journey
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Welcome everyone! MFP is a great place to come together with like-minded people with a similar goal. There are a few exceptions on here, but for the most part people are friendly and supportive. Good luck to everyone!
  • roxy8311
    roxy8311 Posts: 10 Member
    I think it's amazing... I love how it deducts the calories you burn excercising from what you've eaten. This site has really motivated me to limit my portions as well.
  • I think it's amazing... I love how it deducts the calories you burn excercising from what you've eaten. This site has really motivated me to limit my portions as well.

    Oh i know it is awesome, it has also helped me to keep my portion down as well, my sister gave me a good tip...eat health snack thought out the day, then you wont be that hurry during lunch and dinner.
  • Ken_Roper
    Ken_Roper Posts: 51 Member
    Welcome! The program is helpful to me as it makes me aware of snacking and the damage it does to me. I've lost 30 lbs so far and have more to lose. At 59 years of age, I realize that I don't have the energy of a younger person and this helps to keep me motivated to push myself and do more. Good luck in your journey.
  • hello and welcome here hope you have a great day