Fit Bits and Shape Up Sketchers



  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I have a pair of the Reebok Easytone shoes. Wow, they REALLY work my leg muscles. It helps me keep them strong. The key is you have to move around a lot for them to do anything at all. And NEVER wear them for a workout, you'll get hurt. They are comfy everyday shoes, but definitely not gym shoes. I can feel the difference in my legs that the shoes have helped me achieve. I could have gotten it without them, but I was not working out regularly at that point. To me the toning shoes are adding a little boost to my everyday movements. They help if you do a lot of walking or work on your feet. Otherwise, save the cash.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    yup awesome if you want irreparable foot damage, GO for it!
  • I'd love to hear more about Fit Bits... as for the Shape Up shoes- I HATED my pair! I spent top dollar on them (I am a nurse & when i wore them I worked 12-14 hr shifts on my feet) - I didn't notice any difference in "feeling the burn" of more muscle being used- however I did not feel like they were stable shoes or supportive for my feet & ankles. I would NEVER recommend them.

    Also, I know someone who really jacked up their ankle (the rolled it) while walking in them. :/
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member

    ^^^this. They feel like walking on clouds, but I've had them for over a year now & haven't noticed any difference in the tone or shape of my legs. There is a specific way that you are suipposed to walk in them, very heel-to-toe using the full length of the sole, and when I'm thinking about it and walk that way I feel it in my thighs. But it's a very unnatural way to walk so I find that you lapse back into a normal walk very easily. Plus someone noticed me trying to walk like that here at work once & asked me what was wrong. They said it looked like I was a toddler trying to take her first steps without falling, lol.

    That's interesting about walking heel to toe because that's exactly how I walk. Actually, I'd always heard the opposite and you're either supposed to put the weight on your midfoot or forefoot. I wish I could wear them (not for the fitness aspect but because of the comfort) but I can barely stand up straight without toppling over so trying to stay upright while walking in these shoes would probably be detrimental to me. :smile:

    As for the of the best things I ever bought. It's sort of a glorified pedometer but it takes your bmr into account when counting activity/calories and I didn't start to semi consistently lose weight until I started paying attention to the fitbit numbers. It's wonderful at counting calories if you do a lot of walking and I'm assuming running (I pretty much just run to make a light so I don't have to stop walking).