Blood Pressure...

So, back on September 24th, I had a visit with my doc...Long story, short, my blood pressure was HIGH...We discussed having me take Hydrochlorothiazide to bring the blood pressure down. I said no, because I really want to make a commitment to incorporating healthy eating and exercises to my life. So, 3 1/2 months later I go in for a check-up and I'm down 36 lbs...My doc was happy that I am striving to live a healthy life. Thing is, she goes and checks my blood pressure. It still was high.....So, I'm really hoping the high blood pressure is not genetic and that once I hit "onederland", that I will be able to stop using the Hydrochlorothiazide...I don't know much about my family history, but that is a story for later.... I'm kinda disappointed, but I will not be deterred...I try and eat less than 1500 mg in sodium, also...So, eh...


  • Meg_85
    Meg_85 Posts: 43
    I developed high blood pressure last December (2010). I heard you can get high blood pressure from being over weight so I bought an at home blood pressure monitor. I lost weight and it was still high, so then I started watching sodium (stayed under 2000mg every day) still was high. Now it wasn't super high like 140/92 but could be as high as 160/100 if i was flipping out. After losing 25 lbs and got down to 125 and ate low salt and still had issues I was reaching my limit especially at 25 years old.

    No one in my immediate family has high blood pressure and it was very frustrating to me. I like doing holistic ways of dealing with medical issues instead of pumping chemicals into my body that I don't know what the long term impacts are and heard about Fish oil being good for your cardiovascular system so I started taking Triple Omega (3-6-9) fish oil, flax seed and safflower supplements. Finally went to the doctors and my blood pressure is 112/72. I honestly attribute it to the fish oil supplement. If i have to take it the rest of my life I know there aren't any negative side effects to fish oil.

    You could always try it for a month and see if you see an impact!