Need to snap out of it! ASAP

I see a personal trainer 2x a week. She is a huge motivation for me. Well, at Christmas we took a 2 week break. I didn't prepare myself and went way over board. Now, I can't get my head back into it and for me it's all mental. I have to be focused.
I feel like I need a good butt kicking yet I really don't do good with negative motivation and pressure. I'll just get depressed and give up if someone is harsh. So, any ideas on how to get my mojo back???


  • sloanie1
    sloanie1 Posts: 276 Member
    This sounds like a million people right now!! so firstly you are not alone...:o) OK so you need to make an assessment on your goals, the mind is very powerful and yes negativity doesn't help to get you have your goals written down or somewhere that you can see them? you could also break them down into daily goals to build have to dig deep inside you and remember why you started this journey...relapse is completely natural and is part of the process.....we fall back to old habits because it's familiar to us.....make a commitment to start right now, not tomorrow or the next day...xx