There is no $$ in weight loss



  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I do think that if someone is on food stamps and buys healthy, there should be a discount or something. Because when I was on foodstamps, and wanted to eat healthy, I spent my whole months money on one week. But if I bought the unhealthy stuff, I had enough money to last me. I know some states wont allow you to buy certain products with foodstamps such as sugary and unhealthy food, so why not give a discount.

    I'm sorry, but I do not understand that simply because you get food stamps, then you should also get a discount at the supermarket. You are ALREADY getting FREE money.

    Sure, you might be down on your luck at the moment, but in order to give you a discount so you can buy more with your free money, then the rest of us would have to pay more. That makes NO sense at all...and is a LOT unfair. Our tax dollars are going towards your free money in the first place...don't stick it to us again in the grocery store.
  • ncwingnut71
    ncwingnut71 Posts: 292 Member
    I spend less money eating healthy. I go to the local meat market for our meats - all natural, no antibiotics, and it's way less than going to the grocery store. Plus, I get to pick the cut. I also hit up the farmer's market - they are open year round - and I get what is in season as far as vegetables go.
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    I agree that in general, it costs more to eat healthy than to consume junk food.


    Think of how much money you will save in healthcare costs down the road. Diseases related to obesity cost people hundreds and thousands of dollars in medical expenses. I think about my father and his prescription costs from his diabetes and heart medications. Oy.
  • cryspetstalerson
    I do think that if someone is on food stamps and buys healthy, there should be a discount or something. Because when I was on foodstamps, and wanted to eat healthy, I spent my whole months money on one week. But if I bought the unhealthy stuff, I had enough money to last me. I know some states wont allow you to buy certain products with foodstamps such as sugary and unhealthy food, so why not give a discount.

    I'm sorry, but I do not understand that simply because you get food stamps, then you should also get a discount at the supermarket. You are ALREADY getting FREE money.

    Sure, you might be down on your luck at the moment, but in order to give you a discount so you can buy more with your free money, then the rest of us would have to pay more. That makes NO sense at all...and is a LOT unfair. Our tax dollars are going towards your free money in the first place...don't stick it to us again in the grocery store.

    I am not on food stamps. I was in the past.
  • cryspetstalerson
    I agree with OP because I go grocery shopping for 3 people ( 2 adults and one kid) and if I buy unhealthy ( canned everything, boxed everything and unhealthy snacks) I spend $50-$75.. for a week... If I go healthy and buy the good stuff, I spend $150... There is no bulk store in my town.. We have Wal-Mart , Fry's , and Safeway. All the produce is horrible. We are in a bigger city visiting and brought a cooler with to buy some stuff from out here, b/c our town sucks with stock.
    I do think that if someone is on food stamps and buys healthy, there should be a discount or something. Because when I was on foodstamps, and wanted to eat healthy, I spent my whole months money on one week. But if I bought the unhealthy stuff, I had enough money to last me. I know some states wont allow you to buy certain products with foodstamps such as sugary and unhealthy food, so why not give a discount.

    Our local Farmer's Market got a grant that allowed people using food stamps to pay to receive half off all the fresh produce... I thought that was the coolest thing! If they chose to buy healthy stuff, their money went twice as far :)

    That is awesome. It is hard for people on food stamps. I know from past experience. I was a single mother, and was battling my ex with child support. I had a wonderful job, but just made the cut off for food stamps. However my daughter was an infant, and most of my food stamp money was spent on Baby formula. I didn't qualify for any other programs. I know some states have a program to where you can only use food stamps on healthy food. Which I think is wonderful, but it is hard to afford it. This is one of the reasons my weight went up (besides many medical issues) is because of the cost of healthy food.

    Every time I have brought this up on here in the past, everyone says "no no, it doesn't cost that much" I thought maybe it was the area I live in, then I thought back to when I lived in a larger city, and it was still expensive. I have tried everything that everyone has suggested, and end up going over my budget. It gets annoying and kind of gets you down.

    Even if you go out to eat, it costs so much more to purchase of the healthy menu than it does to purchase off the regular menu.
  • mezzosoprano89
    mezzosoprano89 Posts: 81 Member
    I disagree, a bag of chips may cost .99 and a bag of apples 3.49, but a bag of chips lasts me an hour or two, and a bag of apples can last a week or longer. It's all about choices, stocking up during sales, and only buying what you will truly eat, also farmers markets are wonderful when they are happening!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I think I've found another reason people don't eat healthy and change their lifestyle...replacing clothes...

    I've got to go get some in between clothes today. I'm wearing a size 14 pants and skirts now, but I cannot keep wearing my 3X sweaters and shirts anymore...I had the size 14 and a couple of size 12 jeans from years ago, but every thing is getting loose on the bottom and the tops well, UGH...

    It is so hard to take out the suits and putting them aside...It's such a challenge not to say--I'll wear this one more time...
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Friends! Eating yummy, healthy meals does not have to be expensive. I think the biggest thing it requires is planning.

    I posted this topic a while ago with some great tips from me and other very creative, frugal people. I hope it hepls you.
  • cryspetstalerson
    I disagree, a bag of chips may cost .99 and a bag of apples 3.49, but a bag of chips lasts me an hour or two, and a bag of apples can last a week or longer. It's all about choices, stocking up during sales, and only buying what you will truly eat, also farmers markets are wonderful when they are happening!

    I do think it also depends on where you live. I recently had a $120 grocery bill buying fresh fruits, and veggies, and everything went bad with in a few days. Hell half the stuff in the store was bad already. Everything seemed good when we got it. Of course we had to drive around a bit because all we have is Wal-mart, Safeway, and Fry's, and at Fry's everything was already bad and there was nothing in stock. Wal-mart had no options, and I never shop at safeway. I will have to look into the farmers market though. I have never been to one.
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I think I've found another reason people don't eat healthy and change their lifestyle...replacing clothes...

    I've got to go get some in between clothes today. I'm wearing a size 14 pants and skirts now, but I cannot keep wearing my 3X sweaters and shirts anymore...I had the size 14 and a couple of size 12 jeans from years ago, but every thing is getting loose on the bottom and the tops well, UGH...

    It is so hard to take out the suits and putting them aside...It's such a challenge not to say--I'll wear this one more time...

    Then that should also make the argument for not getting fat in the first place. You had to go out and buy bigger clothes at one point, right?
  • cryspetstalerson
    I am in that boat right now. I keep dropping weight but can't afford new clothes lol.
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I actually find that im personally spending alot less. This transition has been a house wide one(2 kids also eating better) and like said before... you can buy a family packof chicken breasts for 10 bucks and a bag of veggies for another 3 bucks.. thats dinner.. plus lunch the next day for Hubby and myself.. and thats alot better than spending $25 at McDonalds... Plus.. im not buying as much "junk" im buying fruits and veggies and meats, and fillers.. and thats pretty much it... and its still a very happy household without all the crap! :bigsmile:
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    I just say, that ya the crap food is cheap, but they will pay later for that..with their health. Invest in good food, coupon, shop the sales, and it will get easier..:)
  • cryspetstalerson
    I think I've found another reason people don't eat healthy and change their lifestyle...replacing clothes...

    I've got to go get some in between clothes today. I'm wearing a size 14 pants and skirts now, but I cannot keep wearing my 3X sweaters and shirts anymore...I had the size 14 and a couple of size 12 jeans from years ago, but every thing is getting loose on the bottom and the tops well, UGH...

    It is so hard to take out the suits and putting them aside...It's such a challenge not to say--I'll wear this one more time...

    Then that should also make the argument for not getting fat in the first place. You had to go out and buy bigger clothes at one point, right?

    I guess that all depends on How or why you got fat.. I have medical issues which majorly contributed.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I'm not sure if you cook, but if you do you can save a fortune. My weight loss journey was an accident at first... I decided to leave a high paying job to work part time for about 1/4 of what I used to make. This meant I needed to spend less. First thing to go was eating out and buying processed foods. Next thing to go--about 10 lbs.

    Buy a roaster chicken for a few bucks and you've got soup for a week.
    Dried beans are crazy cheap and super filling, and way healthier than most canned ones.
    In season fruit....yeah a bag of clementines may be $4 but they last a week. A bag of chips is $2 but gone in two sittings.
    You can make and freeze healthy burritos and other entrees for way less than pre-packaged ones.

    Get creative. Your wallet and your waist may thank you for it.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I spend less. I buy everything in season then think of a healthy recipe to make with it all. Often soups, big batches is cheap or a chilli with tonnes of fresh veg. I go to aldi they have different veg cheap every week and always take advantage. Can usually make a good stir fry too. I don't buy take away or treats anymore which cost me a lot... Cooking in bulk for the week and having lots of recipes under your belt and being prepared to cook from scratch is key x
  • cryspetstalerson
    Maybe a sample shopping list would help those of us who try to eat healthy and over spend????
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I am a comulsive planner and I LOVE excel ;) I shop ~1/wk and spend on average $100/wk on everything (food, toiletries, cleaners, petfood, etc.). I look at the weekly fliers online and plan our meals while I make my list before shopping. Planning and making a list REALLY helps.

    Edited: I hate photobucket! It's being a b$tch and I can't even post the links. I do have a few lists posted in a blog here on MFP called The Weekly Grocer. I meant to do it ever week but I got lazy over the holidays.
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I agree. I noticed recently that food that is 'low fat' is actually more expensive than 'normal food'. i was buying some coconut milk and it was £1.50 a can or low fat coconut milk was £1.84!
    For me and my boyfriend to have healthy food for a week, not including lunches we will spend £55. its crazy!
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    I've found that eating healthier has cost me more, but now I also eat LESS so that has helped.
    One thing I've found is buying whole foods.
    For salads I was buying bagged and shredded lettuce, but now buy the whole head of lettuce and shred it myself. Save money doing things like this.