Healthy eating guidlines

Found some interesting diet info tonight I thought I'd share with everyone. Hope this helps you as much as it has me !

This is the suggested daily servings of each food group for a 1200 cal diet :

Food Group Daily Serving Size
Fruit 1 cup
Vegetables 1.5 cups
Grains 4 ounces
Meat & Beans 3 ounces
Milk 2 cups
Oils 4 teaspoons
Discretionary Cal Allow 171 Calories

• Fresh, frozen, canned, dried, juice
(1 cup of 100% fruit juice = 1 cup of fruit from the Fruit Group)

• Fresh, frozen, canned, dried and juices
• Dark Green Veggies - 1.5 cups per week
• Orange Veggies - 1 cup per week
• Legumes - 1 cup per week
• Starchy Vegetables - 2.5 cups per week
• Other Vegetables - 4.5 cups per week
• 2 cups of raw leafy greens = 1 cup from the Vegetable Group

• Includes oats, barley, rice, wheat, cornmeal, bread, pasta, oatmeal, cereal, tortillas, grits
• 1 slice of bread = 1 ounce from the Grain Group
• 1/2 cup of cooked pasta, rice or cereal = 1 ounce from the Grains Group
• 1/2 of grains consumed should be whole grains

Meat & Beans
• 1 ounce of meat (beef, chicken, pork, turkey, fish) = 1 ounce
• 1 egg = 1 ounce
• 1/4 cup of cooked dry beans = 1 ounce
• 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter = 1 ounce
• 1/2 ounce of nuts and/or seeds = 1 ounce

• 1 cup of milk or yogurt = 1 cup from the Milk Group
• 1 1/2 ounces of natural cheese or 2 ounces of processed cheese = 1 cup
(Cream cheese, butter and cream are not considered as part of the Milk Group Sources should be skimmed, low fat

• Includes oils that retain liquid state at room temperature such as canola, sunflower, olive oil, corn oil, soybean oil.
• Includes foods high in oil such as certain species of fish, avocados, nuts & olives.
• Includes processed foods such as Mayo, salad dressings and soft margarine are chiefly oil.Discretionary Calories
• Includes foods low in fat or fat free with no added sugar.


Also it is said that eating "a rainbow a day" is the best way to go about ingesting your fruits and veggies. So here's a list of veggies put into their color group :

tomato, watermelon, red pepper, beets, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, grapefruit, pomegranate, apple, guava, red onion, Japanese persimmon

orange, sweet potato, mango, winter squash, papaya, carrots, orange peppers, tangerine/Clementine, nectarine, peach, apricot, Asian pear, Japanese squash

Dark Green
spinach, kale, swish chard, mustard or collard greens, avocado, asparagus, artichoke, bok choy, green cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green pepper, watercress, kiwi, apples, avocado, cilantro, basil, parsley, mint

blueberries, eggplant, concord grapes, purple cabbage, blackberries, plums

garlic, cauliflower, onions, ginger, Japanese radishes/Daikon, burdock root, Shiitake, Maiitake mushrooms, Jicama

Finally what counts as a serving of fruits and veggies :

• 1 cup leafy greens, berries or melon chunks
• 1/2 cup cut or cooked fruits and vegetables (broccoli, carrots, pineapple…)
• 1 medium piece of fruit or vegetable (apple, plum, peach, orange)
• 6 ounces natural, fresh 100% fruit/vegetable juice
• 1/4 cup dried fruit (sulfur free)


Happy journey to all ! [ )
