First Day! Already Cheated! Aah!

My name is Berlynn and I am a food-a-holic. Day one on this site and trying to be healthy, need to lose this extra weight!! I had a nice healthy dinner, one chicken breast, grilled. some stir-fried veggies and a half a cup of black beans. was feeling awesome! then caved and made my self a sandwich. (Its 1am) hopefully tomorrow will be better.. I am 21, and live in Vancouver. would love to have some friends on here for help when i need a fix :) So excited to join this journey with everyone!!


  • nmck55
    nmck55 Posts: 22
    it was my first day yesterday and id been really good up until dinnertime when i had a pizza for tea :( but ive still logged it and went over my calorie intake, but im now gonna do better and try not to worry about the odd little slip up! we cant be perfect all the time! :)
  • Welcome! :)
    We all have times where we cave in to something, so don't let it get you down. One step at a time! :)
  • PeggysDad
    PeggysDad Posts: 105
    Don't be put off by setbacks, happens to everyone. Just stick with it and you'll be fine, this is a great place for support.
  • Don't worry I slipped up last nite.
    I went to the supermarket on an empty stomach, got home packed everything away, and cos i was starving ate a few chocolate and caramel biscuits :sad: FAIL
    So to make up for my weakness I'm going to the gym today. :bigsmile:

    Then I'll feel like I've redeemed myself, almost like going to confession, but I'm not Catholic, but you get the gist! :bigsmile:
  • Hi, Im in my second week on MFP. My first week I didnt really log any of my food, and I didnt lose any weight. In fact I put a little bit on. I probably "cheated" a few times too in my first week but still felt motivated and thought I was eating healthy. This week I have been logging everything that I eat and also started logging my exercise. This has really kept me on track with my eating and exercise and now I feel like I can eat any food I want, any time I want and the only way I can really "cheat" is to not log what I have eaten. What I'm trying to say is, don't be mean to yourself, EAT what you WANT, when YOU want, but LOG IT :) You will be amazed at how much more freedom you have if you log what you eat and let MFP help you to see where all the calories, fats, carbs and proteins are coming from and also by sticking within the daily totals you can also watch all those calories, fats, carbs and proteins get burned off.
    Good luck with your journey.
  • thank you so much! that put it into a wonderful new perspective for me :smile:
  • this seems like a good place to ask this. is there somewhere on this site for notifications or something if people reply to a post i made or commented in? am I blind or do I have to keep going back to check?
  • If you go to your home page you will see a list of your posts there and also you will see if you have messages from other members.
    Cheers :)
  • KarlDR
    KarlDR Posts: 55 Member
    Be careful about going too overboard with the "diet" mentality. In my opinion, it's better to think of this as changing the way you eat forever, not a diet. This means eating realistically. By all means have a chicken breast and beans, but don't be afraid to have "bad" foods too. The only thing that matters is that you stay within your calorie allowance most days. I know that personally, trying to "diet" is just unsustainable. If I crave a cheeseburger, I'll have one, but I'll make it myself from lean beef with a wholemeal bun for example. Even getting a fast food burger would be fine though, if otherwise I was within my calorie allowance. To me, this is more realistic than going for an all out diet. Even if I stuck to that for long enough to lose the weight, then what? I'd have learned nothing about how to eat well when not dieting!

    The other thing is, don't get hung up on "cheating". It's not cheating to go over your calorie allowance now and then. Don't let it get you down and don't beat yourself up about it, because then it becomes easy to see the whole thing as "ruined" and give up completely. If you have a bad day, no problem, just keep on going. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and if you just keep going as best you can you will soon learn the habits you need to reach your goals.
  • well welcome here it will get easier you can do it just keep with it and hope you have a great day
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I spent my first week on here going over my food allowance almost everyday (don't let that "Joined August 2010" fool you -- I didn't really start until the middle of December 2011 :wink: ). I went through Christmas and went over my allotted calories Christmas Eve and Christmas and then again New Years' Eve.....and look at my ticker: 8lbs down :tongue: Yup. It happens, some days you will go over and I totally agree with the above poster, don't think of it as "cheating" - this has to be more of a lifestyle change otherwise you will just end up losing the weight and then gaining it all back later. It means for me, that if I go over my calories (which I do about once per week) I eat less the other days to make up for it. This just works for me - maybe it's not the best method for you. The key is to find what DOES work and stick with it and then DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP when you don't!!!! Good luck on your journey :drinker:
  • tanksu
    tanksu Posts: 19
    Hi Berlynn, I do the same thing, I go through the entire day eating well and then usually at night just give in.

    I've joined this site recently to try and keep myself on top of my food addiction!

    I think what helps me is to spread the meals out through the day, that tends to keep me fuller longer. Also I keep something like a small cup of cottage cheese in the fridge, incase I really want to eat something it is there as a healthy alternative.

    Good luck!
  • dyuke
    dyuke Posts: 2
    i just joined mfp.i really want to loose weight,i am married with kids,got to 110kg after my second child.
    I have never been this it really upsets me when someone says hei u are so fat now.
    i really want to shed these pounds because it is really affecting my self esteem and relationship with people.
    Hope i get the support here
  • Welcome to the website. Today marks one week for me and at first I thought I couldn't really eat what I wanted but the first day I ate whatever I wanted and logged it and I also logged my exercise and when all was said and done I was still under my calories. Good Luck and keep trying because you don't fail unless you quit.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    My name is Berlynn and I am a food-a-holic. Day one on this site and trying to be healthy, need to lose this extra weight!! I had a nice healthy dinner, one chicken breast, grilled. some stir-fried veggies and a half a cup of black beans. was feeling awesome! then caved and made my self a sandwich. (Its 1am) hopefully tomorrow will be better.. I am 21, and live in Vancouver. would love to have some friends on here for help when i need a fix :) So excited to join this journey with everyone!!
    Late nights are my weakness as well.

    Anyway, just gather your energies and move on.
    And please, you don't have to label yourself here as "food-a-holic" - whatever that is.

    I am probably that too, but damned if I am going to define myself as such.
    "Hi, I'm Bobby, and I am fit and healthy"

    I enjoy that definition.
    And seeing myself as I am as well as how I want to be helps me stay on track to reach my fitness goals.
    Keep Punching!

    All Is Possible!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i just want to say to you that tomorrow is NOT a fresh day for you to "start over." what i mean is that if you have a weakness with food, like late night snacking/binging, you need to figure out how to deal with it. try eating a bigger dinner, and some tea at night. we learn the most about our food habits and weaknesses from bad days.

    personally, my problem area was portion control. i had to really be adamant with weighing food and tricking my self by spliting up one serving into two to make it seem i was eating more.

    good luck!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It's a steep learning curve, learning where your weaknesses are and what foods are doing you the most damage. But, don't despair. Lifestyle changes are a big deal and don't come easy.

    If you absolutely must have something to eat late in the evening, make it something low in fats and carbs and high in protein. Best of luck to you - you'll have this nailed down in no time :)
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    Changing a life-style takes quite a bit of work, research, re-training "bad" eating habits, and 'dare I say' - exercise! When we start, we are "addicted" to the wrong choices we've been making -- for me it was too much high fat food, portion sizes that were probably double what they should be, and WINE. Fess up to the challenges of being an addict: excuses, denial, and an actual addiction to carbs, sugar and fat.

    Here's a strategy that has helped me, and others:

    Admit that coming out of an unhealthy food addiction will take about a good month of replacing the crap you've been eating with lean protein, whole grain foods, plently of vegetables and some fruits. You really do have to "clean out" the cupboards & frig of all the unhealthly crap you've collected. Do some research about better choices for 5-6 mini-meals made up of the foods that will keep you full longer, have a low glycemic index (there really IS science involved in this) and will provide the variety you will need.

    Develop habits of drinking the suggested 64 fl oz of water every day -- most people really have to work at this, but it truly is a cornerstone to a lifestyle change to a more healthy way.

    Take a "plan" into each day -- have a good idea of what you will eat, and work that plan: pack your food for the day, so you'll have the healthy choices, and EAT them.

    I can't stress enough -- do research about healthy eating -- either online (websites, youtube, or by going to the library and visiting the section on health. Take out some books -- do some reading. You have to change the way you THINK, and this is not by relying on the information that is already in your brain. You have to start by replacing that thinking with a more healthy lifestyle. If you have no experience in eating healthy for balance, and creating a calorie deficit that will result in weight loss, you'll never be able to make the changes that will give you the results that will create the motivation to continue past one or two weeks. You'll still be addicted to the unhealty eating, and you WILL GIVE UP.

    Get some exercise - walking, to start. We have to literally distract ourselves from the addiction in the beginning -- so what better way than getting out and moving. Do some research on this, too -- and make a plan to add some additional excercise to your DAILY agenda. It's amazing how much better you'll start to feel, and that alone will motivate you to change some eating habits -- just knowing that the walk you just took for 1/2 hour burned 145 calories, will make you think twice about eating those peanut butter crackers at 290 calories, or a wonderfully lucious FUJI apple at 52.

    My name is Chris, and I'm a food-addict. Welcome to the club.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    i like to snack at night too....its my time to relax whenthe kids are in bed and i can eat in peace....try a 100 calorie bag of popcorn....they have all kinds....popcorn is something that looks like you are eating a can do this...just go one day at a time...and if you slip up....move person said this and it has always stuck with me...if you have a flat tire do you fix that one or do you go slash the others because you have one that is flat?....dont sabotage your healthy lifestyle because you slipped happens...fix it and go on:0)
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Thats okay! just dust yourself off and start again, tomorrow is a new day :-) Changes don't just happen overnight so dont be hard on yourself, we are here together!! lets do this xXx