Ermm NSV? lol maybe TMI for some people


So recently since my weight loss has been consistant, I haven't let any junk pass my lips all im eating is whole clean foods and drinking water sex drive is through the roof! I mean I have gone from it being a bit of a chore and pencilling it in for my partners sake bear in mind im only 23 lol to wanting it every day sometimes twice a day, I even dream about it!!

Is this normal with a chang of diet/weight loss?



  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Dont know if its "normal" but it sounds fun so enjoy! x Its probably your self confidence and even hormones

    I am about to start eating clean so hopefully I get get side effects like this :-)
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Thanks Kelly

    Im certianly not complaining hehe neither is my partner :-D xx
  • xchinad0ll
    xchinad0ll Posts: 101 Member
    LOL thats awesome...are you eating Aphrodisiacs? jk. No, but really I'd go with the hormones thing.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Absolutely normal. When your body is in synch, it does what it's designed for... and procreating is what every species' #1 goal is :)

    Enjoy it Honey!
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    xchinad0ll - thanks for posting :-) I think he thought i was at some point lol, after the birth of my son 3 years ago I couldnt be bothered, now im jumping him at every turn lol :-) xx

    netchik - Thanks for taking the time to post, Definately I'm feeling what its like to be normal for the very first time that it feels abnormal, im enjoying every minute :-) xx
  • vanessaclarkgbr
    vanessaclarkgbr Posts: 731 Member
    Yup! Haha! Now there's just finding the time....;-) lol

    Great NSV :-)
  • I am exactly how you were before, only do it for him, Im just not interested I guess, I really hope this happens for me as well, maybe its just because your self confidence is up and you are healthier? This is VERY inspiring to me! :)
  • Nope totally normal, at least for me it is,
    I guess its partly a confidence issue as well, you feel better about yourself so are happier to show it off.
    plus as you say the health diet makes the body feel better and yes my drive goes through the roof if im at a low weight and on healthy food. so much so sometimes i think I avoid being too slim to keep it in check (I joke its because i have no will power)
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    Totally normal, it happened for me too!! WAY more fun than stuffing our faces with french fries, right?
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    How long has this feeling persisted?
    It could be a mere change in your cycle [ovulation].

    Or it could be psychological in that you're enjoying having a sexy body having lost some weight.

    Either way, ENJOY!
  • Cilenia
    Cilenia Posts: 208 Member
    Totally normal, it happened for me too!! WAY more fun than stuffing our faces with french fries, right?

    And you get to burn some calories in the process :)
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    absolutely normal, and to me? one of the BEST things about weight loss.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    First I've heard that one. Probably the best argument for eating"clean" vs iifym :)
  • First, congrats! What a terrific side effect.

    Secondly, I wonder if it could be hormonal? I agree with everyone else that the confidence and overall feeling of good health improves one's sex life. But if losing weight can affect the hormones that control a woman's menstrual cycle, I'm sure it can also work on the ones that help determine sex drive.

    And yes, my sex drive returned to its normal, through the roof state when I lost my weight. :-) Enjoy!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Lol! When I eat healthy I notice sexy time is MUCH more desirable!!
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    Thanks for all your replys they made me giggle :-) hehe

    Whether its hormonal or through diet I think it may be both, I am having LOTS of fun and long may it continue, I feel like some sort of sex goddess lol
    Im definately burning lots of cals, heart rate is right up for most of it lol sorry TMI I can't help myself sharing im just so happy.

    PS I've been like this for about 2 months now and its every day..

    Thank you for not judging me or berating me for putting this subject on, your lovely people!!

    Lynsey xx
  • BobinNC66
    BobinNC66 Posts: 192 Member
    I am making my wife read this thread! :laugh:
  • scotslass
    scotslass Posts: 317
    BobinNC - that made me Laugh out loud :-)
  • weightloss12345678
    weightloss12345678 Posts: 377 Member
    This is a perfectly normal side effect of consistent excising and weight loss. I have to agree with most of the other ppl that confidence plays a big factor but also just the fact that your body is healthy gives your hormones and energy I boost. In result your sexual desire grows. By me being a guy sex is usually always on my mind lol but since the weight loss journey multiple times a day does not even take the desire away, so I have to say I agree and what you are experiencing is perfectly normal
  • perfectly normal side affect of your new healthy lifestyle and hey u get to burn more cals with your partner..
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