
Heres some simple steps to start losing REAL weight off YOUR MIND and then YOUR BODY!!

1. Get used to your body now!..... take (before) pictures from all sorts of angles,.... really get familiar with you size, your bumps, how you look from the front back side!!! Ull get so used to wouldnt even shock or upset u anymore! Do it everyday if u need to! Ull get bored! :laugh:

2. Take your weight everyday! ..... i avoided knowing how many pounds i was...but now im looking everyday.... get used to that number! Ull soon see what makes it go up n down..... dont be afriad of ur weight! You are not ur body! Ur just inside it get to know it ...then CHANGE IT!! :wink:

3. Get used to how much you eat (or dont) - track wat u eat....on a scrap piece of paper in the kitchen....scribble wat u doesnt matter wat or how much! WHO cares! Ur just letting urself know! Soon ull start thinking damn i have a lot of burgers for example....or man there is no protein in my diet watsoeveer...or in my case.... damn i dont bloody eat!!! lol

4. Get used to your clothes size - ACCEPT your clothes size now! Thats not YOU! Thats just the size that fits your body now! When your SLIM.... itll be the sie that fits your body then!

5. Get used to how much you move - Tell yourself the truth - "i sit around all day".... " i dont even walk"..... "i do house cleaning".....watever it is...YOU have to KNOW!

6. NOW CHANGE - change the way you think.....dont be attached to your body or lifestyle....think i could be anyone....wat am i .??? a collection of cells undergoing metabolic processes!? My cells dont know if im thin or fat....there just surviving!

7. PLAY THE GAME - ur cells will use wat u give to them....and store if u give more....just like you would with your possessions...ull store! Unless you actively decide...i dont want this stuff im gona chuck it out! Same with your body.....make it work hard...and your cells will adjust, work hard...metabolise more....speed up your heart...contract your muscles....make you sweat.....make you out of breath!! ALL the things show CHANGE! YOUR BODY is ADAPTING!

8. Love the FEELING - love sweating... being out of breath......struggling to walk/run/exercise more! Struggle shows your body is trying something new...if your finding it hard....your body will CHANGE! THATS GREAT RIGHT?!

9. EAT RIGHT - when u start jumping around....ull get hungry...u wana fuel these torture sessions your going through...cake wont have the appeal! YOUd just wana get ENERGY! Think in terms of ENERGY from NOW ON!

10. Last of all - your mind makes you who you are not your body - and thats why your on here! Your mind told u to!!

Hope I could have helped someone today and every other DAY!

LOVE n BLESSINGS to all!!!!!...... Om Hunumante Namah!!

xxxx ..... Sonam...xxxx


  • skinnysonam

    Heres some simple steps to start losing REAL weight off YOUR MIND and then YOUR BODY!!

    1. Get used to your body now!..... take (before) pictures from all sorts of angles,.... really get familiar with you size, your bumps, how you look from the front back side!!! Ull get so used to wouldnt even shock or upset u anymore! Do it everyday if u need to! Ull get bored! :laugh:

    2. Take your weight everyday! ..... i avoided knowing how many pounds i was...but now im looking everyday.... get used to that number! Ull soon see what makes it go up n down..... dont be afriad of ur weight! You are not ur body! Ur just inside it get to know it ...then CHANGE IT!! :wink:

    3. Get used to how much you eat (or dont) - track wat u eat....on a scrap piece of paper in the kitchen....scribble wat u doesnt matter wat or how much! WHO cares! Ur just letting urself know! Soon ull start thinking damn i have a lot of burgers for example....or man there is no protein in my diet watsoeveer...or in my case.... damn i dont bloody eat!!! lol

    4. Get used to your clothes size - ACCEPT your clothes size now! Thats not YOU! Thats just the size that fits your body now! When your SLIM.... itll be the sie that fits your body then!

    5. Get used to how much you move - Tell yourself the truth - "i sit around all day".... " i dont even walk"..... "i do house cleaning".....watever it is...YOU have to KNOW!

    6. NOW CHANGE - change the way you think.....dont be attached to your body or lifestyle....think i could be anyone....wat am i .??? a collection of cells undergoing metabolic processes!? My cells dont know if im thin or fat....there just surviving!

    7. PLAY THE GAME - ur cells will use wat u give to them....and store if u give more....just like you would with your possessions...ull store! Unless you actively decide...i dont want this stuff im gona chuck it out! Same with your body.....make it work hard...and your cells will adjust, work hard...metabolise more....speed up your heart...contract your muscles....make you sweat.....make you out of breath!! ALL the things show CHANGE! YOUR BODY is ADAPTING!

    8. Love the FEELING - love sweating... being out of breath......struggling to walk/run/exercise more! Struggle shows your body is trying something new...if your finding it hard....your body will CHANGE! THATS GREAT RIGHT?!

    9. EAT RIGHT - when u start jumping around....ull get hungry...u wana fuel these torture sessions your going through...cake wont have the appeal! YOUd just wana get ENERGY! Think in terms of ENERGY from NOW ON!

    10. Last of all - your mind makes you who you are not your body - and thats why your on here! Your mind told u to!!

    Hope I could have helped someone today and every other DAY!

    LOVE n BLESSINGS to all!!!!!...... Om Hunumante Namah!!

    xxxx ..... Sonam...xxxx
  • Heather125
    Heather125 Posts: 433 Member
    couldn't agree more with your post.My only regret is that i wish i had taken some pics
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Awesome post!
  • Blossom01
    Blossom01 Posts: 658
    Thank you:heart: