Feb. lose 10 pound challenge

My name is Jackie (jlbiles) I am the owner and database keeper for the 10 pound challenge. I am writing this to let you know how this challenge works. On the dates below we weigh in. Any other day you can post and communicate to the group anything else you want. If you need encouragement, help ect. This group is all about supporting each other through this journey of weight loss. This is not a race or contest on who can lose the most weight. Each of us has to do what is healthy for our bodies. We are all on different stages of our journeys. According to nutritionist it is healthiest to lose only about 4 to 8 pounds a month that is a more realistic goal. I took this group over from someone else and choose not to change the name. I know that some of us will get discouraged along the way and will need the group support to pick us back up. That is what I hope this group will be here to do for each other. Not to concentrate on rather this group is proper or not. You have the right to choose what group you want to join or not join. You have the right to start your own group according to your own beliefs on how it should be run. I am here just to try to help others like myself who struggle with weight loss to have some encouragement and positive influence in their experience.
I need you to post your weight around the day listed below. If you mess two week I will delete your name from the database unless you tell me what is going on a head of time. You can always send me a message to my mailbox on this site to jlbiles and I will respond back to you. If you can't open the database I post once a week let me know and I can email you a copy if you give me your email address. Any other questions just ask.

Remember 1-2 pounds a week is healthy weight loss. Most do not lose the 10 pounds a month so don't let that discourage you. This is not a contest on who can lose the most weight. It is about losing weight and keeping it off the healthy way.

SW - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 1)
Week 1 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 8 )
Week 2 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 15)
Week 3 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 22)
Week 4 - xxx lbs (Wednesday Feb 29)
Total lost - xx lbs (Thursday Mar 1)

If you are interested in signing up for this challenge all you have to do is post that you are interested in wanting in. Nothing else is required. It helps if you post your starting weight as well. A simple I am in, I want to join, ect… is all that I need to know to put you on the database. The database is locked so I am the only one who can enter information into it. It is just to help keep track of how much everyone has lost over the month. I will post a link to it once I get it complied with the names of the members of the group. Good luck and welcome to our little group. Jackie
