
i dont know if its just me or if any one else feels like they are stereotyped by friends, family or strangers??
my very thin friend thinks i should just stop eating.... as if i just sit all day stuffing my face till im fit to burst, even tho she spends most days with me and knows that isnt what i do, it took me to point this out for her to relise..... annoying!
also strangers thinking they have a right to say awful comments or shout nasty things at you when you are minding your own buisness on a night out with friends, as if you dont count as a person!
sometimes i wont go out thinking about these people, i wonder if they relise these comments hurt and stick with you......


  • dianeellen2
    dianeellen2 Posts: 259 Member
    I am on day 2 of C25K (running training) and will not go out till after dark as i feel people are judging me (just over 200lb's) however i have 'skinny' friends who are so unfit - it makes me sick that i feel quite fit but think people look at me and think 'unfit'