Let me introduce myself

Hi all my name is Lisa I am 51 and I live in Phoenix AZ. I have a few pounds well quite a few pounds to lose. I have been using fitness pal on my kindle for the last 3 weeks and been doing pretty well I have been exercising well I don't exercise for an hour a day but I am at least doing something for 15 minutes, I have had 2 huge accomplishments this last week the first was doing 30 minutes of step aerobics and the second I walked a mile in 25 minutes :-) I have a bad hip and knee so it makes it a little harder but I refuse to let it stop me this time I have come to realize I am not 25/30 years old anymore but I am tired of feeling like I'm older than I really am.
I have a good support system with my family and friends but sadly I don't utilize there help. I am ready to make some changes in my life and have come to the understanding that I am not perfect and I am not going to be perfect at losing weight I just have to learn from the mistakes that I make and I am ready to start learning. I am not looking to be a little skinny minnie I am looking to be healthy and making better choices.
I could use all the help I can get and I am more than willing to give back, I am the person at the grocery store that talks to everybody.

