Am I Weird?

I have (had) been a really active person my whole life. I'm 43 now and had a back surgery a few years ago that put a crimp in my ability to really work out. It took a few years but I gained about 25 unwanted pounds. I tried treadmill, EFX, and some other low impact cardio stuff but found that working out made me really hungry and sore. I guess I didn't have the patience to ease into it. Anyway...I recently downloaded 4HR Body by Tim Ferris. I'll probably misquote him, but here's the jist of what I learned - Excercise doesn't burn very many calories and makes it tougher to eat in moderation. There's a lot more excellent stuff in there and I don't want to ruin the surprise by rambling. Bottom line is I am doing minimal excercise compared to my former life - eating tons of lean protein and veggies six days a week and so far I've lost 11 pounds in 15 days. And I'm rarely hungry. I don't have to count calories, but I do anyway because tracking keeps me invested. So my questions is "Because I am no longer an excercise freak, AM I WEIRD?

PS. The diet is called the Slow Carb diet and one day a week I can eat whatever I want. :)