You Don't Need The Freakin Brownies!!

Begin Rant:
I've been at my desk looking for healthy food recipies and stuff all day. I ate my oatmeal for breakfast, and my salad for lunch, i have dinner planned out and Im super excited! I get a call from my husband and he says Im going to the store do you need anything? i ramble off a few things and he says ok, your sister wants brownies so we're gonna buy brownie mix and chocolate chips.... Any other time I would have said sure whatever make sure you get ice cream too cuz hot brownies and vanilla ice cream... ITS LIKE HEAVEN! However I made a promise to me today that i was going to stay on track this time and if that means no crap food in my house then thats what Im stickin to! And then he throws the freakin BROWNIES IN THE MIX!!! COME ON!!!! Im trying and having that in my house is so damn tempting! Its not nice! Its not fair and they arent being supportive! Not to mention he already bought a box of little hostess brownies last week! We dont need them! I dont need them! I need my family to support me and not bring in temptation!!! Not cool! No Bueno! Im mad!
End Rant


  • missmaggiejane
    Why don't you try and confront them nicely about it? Ask them to help support you. =] And if you really want to have a brownie... then have 1 BUT ONLY ONE. Remember, if you get rid of everything you love, you're going to binge and not stay steady on your diet. =]