Lunch ideas for in the office.

Hey all

I am looking for advice for lunch options. I work in an office on an industrial estate and the only things in the area are a roll van that comes by and a burger van.... Need less to say I pack my own lunch in a cool bag, consisting of Salad with egg or meat, Fruit with yoghrt and snacks of fruit. This is fine but would like to find ouyt what others do for lunch, There is a microwave at work so do have that option too. At home on the weekends is fine. Its just when at work that I struggle..

What do you all do??


  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I always pack a lunch as well. I pack for the entire day, not just lunch. I have a desk job so i just bring my breakfast too. Someone is always bringing in donuts so if i don't bring my own i end up eating one of those. I usually have oatmeal, banana, hard boiled egg or dry cereal for breakfast.

    I have to be prepared for my meals though or i end up bringing something not so good for me. So i make a pot of brown rice, stir fry or grill a chicken breast or pork tenderloin, slice it into tiny pieces and refrigerate. Then in the morning i take a cup of rice add some chicken or tenderloin and whatever vegies i have on hand (i like frozen peas, just add what you want and put the rest back in the fridge), add a tbsp of sauce (whatever is on hand, right now i have kung pao sauce) and heat in the microwave at lunch time. Another of my favorites is soft taco pizza. I bring in a flour tortilla, tbsp of pizza sauce, moz cheese and whatever vegies i like and put in a toaster oven at work. i have things measured out and ready the night before so i have my calories counted.

    Sometimes it is just pb&j sandwich or leftovers. I try to bring in fruit or veggies to snack on as well or to go with the lunch.

    I always bring in an apple for my 2:00 snack and really look forward to it. My favorite is with a tbsp of crunchy peanut butter...Yum!