Dieting without exercise

Hey All,

I started myfitnesspal two weeks ago and have found it excellent, being a techie I've really enjoyed having an online tool to keep a track of my diet.

Having started it two weeks ago, I've just checked in for the second week and I'm down 5lbs in 2 weeks which I'm really happy about. I've started making food everyday rather than buying it cooked and I've learned portion control. It's been really easy to keep to the calorie count as well.

I've not really done any extra exercise and wondered if anyone else had found it possible to lose weight like this without increasing exercise? I know it should be a part but I'm just surprised without it its went down at such a good rate (I know it will slow as my body gets used to this)

Luckily I'm moving to an apartment block with a Gym, Pool and cycle distance to work in February so I plan on kicking off the exercise portion then, hopefully that with the food diary will make the wait fall off!


  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Of course nutrition will allow you to lose weight on it's own.

    However, combining proper nutrition with exercise, will net you the best results.

    Eating right may make you weigh less, but exercise keeps you healthy and strong.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    I've done it both ways - with and without exercise. Both work, but with exercise I see differences in the mirror much quicker.
  • Argharna15
    Argharna15 Posts: 18 Member
    I've done it both ways - with and without exercise. Both work, but with exercise I see differences in the mirror much quicker.

    this is the same for me.
  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    I was just thinking about this topic. There is more to health than the absence of fat. Being fit has some significant benefits as one's body is capable of moving and doing activities without restriction or pain imposed by neglect.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    It's worked well for me so far. I eventually need to add in exercise but I am too cheap for a gym membership and it is below zero where I live so walking outside not an option. Exercise helps you tone so if you have a lot to lose you will want to add it so the end results look better (if that makes sense).
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    I see better rresults in my body composition with exercise
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    I lost 95 lbs without exercise 4 years ago and have kept it off. I just reduced portion size. I'm only able to make lifestyle changes a little at a time or it overwhelms me and I give up. Once I master one change, I move to another. I added exercising three months ago and have gradually been increasing intensity and frequency. One change at a time for me.
  • kvreeken
    kvreeken Posts: 137 Member
    I find that I lose weight faster when I diet and do only moderate exercise. I trained for 2 marathons and was 10 pounds heavier than I am now. When I just stuck to MFP .5 pounds per week and just walked for at least 60 minutes 4-5 times a week I finally lost the last of my weight. You do not have to kill yourself at the gym to accomplish weight loss. Simply be conscience about being active ALL day and walk when you can. Just my experience.
  • carpediem85
    carpediem85 Posts: 5 Member
    My friend, who was a Exercise Science major at Rutgers, told me when I started my weight loss journey that weight loss is a 70/30 ratio...70% is diet, and 30% is exercise. So, eating right is definitely the majority of weight loss. The exercise portion helps with toning and increasing your metabolism, but as someone who used to go to LA Fitness religiously and yet ate whatever she wanted, I saw no weight loss whatsoever. Now, I do my at home workouts, but coming home from work I'm beat and sometimes pass out on the couch w/o exercising, I've seen a drop of about 5 lbs, and I've just been counting my calories. So yes, I def believe you can lose weight without a lot of exercise, but since it helps speed the process, it's something that should be done when you can!
  • I'm done 10 pounds with mostly portion control dieting (I am slowly but surely increasing my healthy food intake, but mostly cutting down portions of everything I eat right now). I have made an effort to be a little more active than I was when I first started back in October...but not near as much active as I would really like to be.

    Lilyvale, ditto the only being able to make lifestyle changes a little at a time. I've found myself yo-yo dieting for years without solid results...because I tried changing everything at once: more healthy foods, portion size control, and lots of exercise aren't my friend when combined at the same time. But, if I pick one to focus on and do the others little by little, I am sticking to my lifestyle change. :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    There are 5 elements to a complete fitness program.
    1. Nutrition
    2. Cardio and resistance exercise
    3. Supplementation
    4. Motivation
    5. 3rd party Intervention [Doctor, Personal Trainer, ect]

    When any of these elements are removed, it's like taking a spoke from a wheel.
    It can still spin just not as well or with optimal results.
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I lost 95 lbs without exercise 4 years ago and have kept it off. I just reduced portion size. I'm only able to make lifestyle changes a little at a time or it overwhelms me and I give up. Once I master one change, I move to another. I added exercising three months ago and have gradually been increasing intensity and frequency. One change at a time for me.
    Guys are different.
    My goals are MUCH MORE than mere weight loss. I want to be in peak condition - not skinny.
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    I lost 95 lbs without exercise 4 years ago and have kept it off. I just reduced portion size. I'm only able to make lifestyle changes a little at a time or it overwhelms me and I give up. Once I master one change, I move to another. I added exercising three months ago and have gradually been increasing intensity and frequency. One change at a time for me.
    Guys are different.
    My goals are MUCH MORE than mere weight loss. I want to be in peak condition - not skinny.

    My original goal was to be free of an eating addiction...not to be skinny. Someday, my goal may be peak condition. Who knows? Journeys evolve.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Be efficient.
    Exercise hard and eat back the calories. The hard exercise will RAISE your metabolic rate and burn more fat at rest.
  • I lost 95 lbs without exercise 4 years ago and have kept it off. I just reduced portion size. I'm only able to make lifestyle changes a little at a time or it overwhelms me and I give up. Once I master one change, I move to another. I added exercising three months ago and have gradually been increasing intensity and frequency. One change at a time for me.

    Just goes to show we all work in very different (sometimes mysterious) ways... this post is helpful to me as it highlights the need to focus on one detail at a time and to build up at a personal pace, rather than try to change the world at once! Thanks.
  • ComeAroundSundown
    ComeAroundSundown Posts: 69 Member
    I lost my first 10 pounds with no exercise. Now, the only regular exercise I do is pilates. I do cardio very rarely and I'm still losing weight and decreasing my body fat %. People are different and have different goals, so I think you should just do what works for you.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I lost all of my weight pretty much without exercise. If I did any, it was usually on my cheat days and not consistent. It was also mostly cardio. However, now that I am at goal, I consider myself "skinny fat." I don't have the look I want, which I expected with my approach.

    I personally do better making one change at a time. First it was losing the weight by cutting calories. Second it will be starting a heavy weight lifting program to get the look I want (I am on this step now). Finally, it will be to start eating "clean" and switching in increasingly healthy food choices (I know this is the one I will struggle with the most).

    I can't do everything at once or I will become overwhelmed and quit. Therefore, I am doing it in steps. If you can exercise AND lose the weight at the same time, I would recommend it as that is best. However, it was just not for me. :)