Is the Wii accurate for calories burned?



  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    For stuff on the WiiFit, I found that the Wii was similar to the readout on my BodyMediaFit. For other things on the Wii, it's all over the place, some over, some under.
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    To most simply answer your question, the answer is NO. It is not even close to being accurate, its an estimate of how much a person your size would burn doing the workout.
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    I second a HRM. I did Xbox running and kickboxing today. The Xbox said I burned off 350 calories but my HRM said over 800....I have my stats in the info on my Xbox fitness game but it's just an estimation. The HRM is actually charting your HR and how long you stay "in the zone" and making a calculation based on that. It's much more accurate.

    I have the same experience with Dance Central for the Kinect. I'll do an hour and it says I burned 225 cal but my Bodybugg will say 560...definitely worth getting a HRM or something like that!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I am thinking about purchasing a HRM. Any suggestions on what is a good one. I have seen ones that look more like a watch and think I would probably wear that more.

    I ordered a Bowflex Fitwatch with a chest strap. It will read my heart rate continuously...not just every 30 seconds . It will arrive on Monday and I can't wait to try it out on a variety of exercises!