Headaches and Migraines

Does anyone have frequent severe headaches or migraines? How do you manage to work out through them?

I've had ongoing severe headaches and migraines for a month straight now. My doc has done a CT (normal results) and has me trying different medications that haven't helped so far. I've missed four work outs this week alone from my head hurting so bad. I'm frustrated with missing so many workouts and am wondering if anyone has any tips on getting through a workout when your head is pounding...

Thanks in advance!


  • mountainluv
    mountainluv Posts: 7 Member
    I have migraines. Sometimes I get them if I don't get enough water. The only other "cure' I have had was acupuncture. I saw a chiropractor. I don't if it was the adjustment he did or if the acupuncture for sure, but I went a year without a migraine. Prior to that has was having at least one a month.

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  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I have migraines. Sometimes I get them if I don't get enough water. The only other "cure' I have had was acupuncture. I saw a chiropractor. I don't if it was the adjustment he did or if the acupuncture for sure, but I went a year without a migraine. Prior to that has was having at least one a month.

    Mine seem to be related to insulin spikes, during times I don't exercise.

    When I don't exercise for over a month, if I have a late dinner, this usually ends up going to bed late, and the next day I'll almost always get a migraine, either waking up with it, or in the afternoon.

    If I exercise regularly, at least 2 x week, even the normal triggers don't cause anything. Sadly, when I exercise, I also tend to eat better. Without it, I drift from a good diet.
  • paulaparrish
    paulaparrish Posts: 15 Member
    Did they check your heart? I suffer from migraines,but they are under control now. I know several people that had a leaky heart valve that caused their migranes....which would explain why exercise would trigger your headaches. Have you tried taking an ibuprophen about a half an hour before you exercise? That helps my husband not get a headache with workouts.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have suffered from headaches and migranes for years. Tried many meds but they all left me with that hangover feeling, and done the "avoid cheese, wine, and chocolate" rule as well, with no results. About 4 months ago I cut all dairy out of my diet. All of it. Have only had one migrane since. May be purley coincidental but to go from 2-4 full blown migranes a week and ongoing headaches to only 1 in a 4 month stretch feels great. Worth a shot maybe?? I cannot help with suggestions for workouts though, that was my biggest obstacle before now.
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Have you tried yoga? Sometimes it actually makes my head feel better. Other times when I need to work out I take 4 advil and try not to jar my head too much.
    I have tried many types of meds for my migraines, but haven't found the one yet. Hope you have better luck!
  • MissGoHard
    MissGoHard Posts: 34 Member
    Does anyone have frequent severe headaches or migraines? How do you manage to work out through them?

    I've had ongoing severe headaches and migraines for a month straight now. My doc has done a CT (normal results) and has me trying different medications that haven't helped so far. I've missed four work outs this week alone from my head hurting so bad. I'm frustrated with missing so many workouts and am wondering if anyone has any tips on getting through a workout when your head is pounding...

    Thanks in advance!

    I hear you. It's really frustrating! I take daily medication that has helped to reduce the severity and frequency of the migraines (the medication I am on is Topomax).

    There is nothing really you can do when it's here. If you stress out the fact that your not getting your workouts in your just going to make it worse. The best thing to do is just relax, give it your best when your feeling better.

    Hang in there... I know how you feel.
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    I can't see your diary but if your calories are set at 1200 that may be too low for you. If it is set to 1200 try eating 300-500 calories more next week and see if that helps.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I suffer from migraines and tension headaches. I take promethazine and then go work out. I have found that if I leave my hair down and not pulled back, I have less headaches now and sometimes will have it go away mid workout. Yes, I am weird. I cannot take many medications (they make me very ill) so my docs main objective is to keep me functioning while I suffer.
  • Chickabittie
    bump, get migraines too.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    I have the had the same effect with cutting out dairy, from 2-3 migraines (lasting up to 6 days at a time) per month. I find it's aggravated by skipping meals, and skipping sleep. It's a pain to have to be so vigilant about my sleep (like a child!) but it's worth it not have the constant pain in my head.

    I would advise asking to see a neurologist as well, he will see if you're suffering with something like labrynthitis.

    As for working out with an incoming headache, my advice is DON'T. Raising your blood pressure is only going to make things worse. Not the advice you wanted, but the good news is the more weight you drop, the better control you have of your health, blood pressure and insulin regulation, the fewer headaches and migraines you'll get.

    Good luck!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Thank you guys, there are some great ideas here. I'm going to look into the things that were suggested.

    My doc did say that if the meds don't work, she's going to put in a consult to neurology, so maybe they will be able to find out what's going on.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    My doc did say that if the meds don't work, she's going to put in a consult to neurology, so maybe they will be able to find out what's going on.

    That's a little scary actually.

    Usually they send you anyway, because how bad would it be for the meds to work but just be masking some other issue?

    I got about 6 months on meds, and then he sent me for CT brain scan to confirm nothing was wrong. Because the meds just take care of the symptoms, none of the causes, so if there was a reason it would still be there.
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    I have migraines. Sometimes I get them if I don't get enough water. The only other "cure' I have had was acupuncture. I saw a chiropractor. I don't if it was the adjustment he did or if the acupuncture for sure, but I went a year without a migraine. Prior to that has was having at least one a month.

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    I used to get them all of the time, multiple times a month. 6 sessions of acupuncture, and I haven't had one in 12 years!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I get them from time to time. I found that when I take my meds and go to the gym about a half hour later, and try to do a non- impact cardio, bike, ellptical, or stairmaster. It helps. Usually the migraine disappears or becomes minimal and bearable.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If you are a migaineur, you will get migraines from any of a number of triggers. If you can learn what your triggers are, you can reduce the number of migraines. It helps to keep a headache diary of when you have headaches, what you ate, what you did,etc.

    For me, the triggers were caffeine/theobromine withdrawal (it took me a while to realize that having an insignificant amount of caffeine like a half a can of coke was enough to give me a headache the next day), tight clothing around my waist, chest or neck, late/missed meals, white wine (weird, I know), and birth control pills on the 18th and 25th days of the pack. It's that individual. A doctor won't be able to give you that information. You have to learn it for yourself.

    Oh, and I use past tense because menopause does wonders. Even though my migraines didn't wait for puberty to start, they've been much better since menopause.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    In my family, migraines are related to celiac disease.

    And of course TOM too.

  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    Well, with all the testing I have done late, doc thinks it has to do with blood pressure...She said, that I might have to get a CAT scan, but, I'm gonna hold off as long as I can...No INSURANCE...
  • wannareduce
    wannareduce Posts: 91 Member
    hey,... I am as well in the same boat.. for the last 1.5+ years all day headache throughout.. have been doctors / neurologists have taken CTscan, MRI, Doplar scan... EEG and everything seems to be normal.... and not even 1 pain killer or any medicine has worked on me so far!!!

    try tracking the (as below) in a document.. for a month regularly it might help...

    Head- ache Date: Time Started: Time Ended:
    Warning Signs:

    Pain Type of Pain: (e.g. piercing, throbbing, etc)
    Intensity of Pain: (circle one) (Low) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (High)
    Location: (e.g. between eyes, back of head, etc)

    Treatment Treatment or Medication Taken:
    Effect of Treatment:

    Circumstances Hours of Sleep:
    What I ate today:
    Events prior to headache: (e.g. strenuous activity, elevated stress, etc)

    This might sound weird... but with this I have felt good reliefs with the morning headaches - by getting up @ 5:30am everyday!!!

    Good luck and hope you get some relief..
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I am prone to severe cluster headaches, at one point was hospitalized for them and out of work for 4 months. They were talking about putting a shunt in my brain because of the severity of the headaches. I was then referred to a new neurologist who is one of the top-rated experts in migraines and brain-related illneses. He took me off ALL pain meds, tylenol, and ibuprofen because it has been shown that these will actually FEED the migraine. He then put me on a variety of meds including Topamax and a beta blocker. He also sent me to a psychologist as repressed emotions can also feed the headaches.

    I peaked out on the Topamax, got therapy, the headaches diminished so we weaned me off the medicines. I am now headache free for the most part, although when I get stressed or ill I will get a mild headache, but nothing as debilitating as I experienced before.
  • hornedone
    hornedone Posts: 57 Member
    Cluster Headache sufferer checking in. Currently out of cycle, but know they will be back one day. I try not to live in fear, but every time I feel a "shadow" coming on, i do get a bit freaked out. When I have insurance to cover, the (preventive) combo that worked best for me was Lithium and Klonopin.

    A few non-Rx things that do seem to work for myself and other CH people (might work for other types of HAs) are the following:
    1. Red Bull...take (slam) the minute you feel it coming on
    2. Melatonin (at night)
    3. Magnesium supplements

    Hope you get through this. Wishing you pain free days and nights.

    ***also tried Topamax, aka dopamax*** does have some decent pain blocking properties but made me feel like i was always in a fog, and found it impossible to sleep.