from Louisiana where the food is awsome!

hello everyone!
My baby is 6mo now and I'm still hanging on to extra weight. I read and try different things but I can't seem to get it right. Not sure what to do....any advice would be appreciated. Should I eat 4 or 6 times a day? and does anyone know of a book or website for people who want to eat healthy but are picky? ha....


  • whendee05
    hello everyone!
    My baby is 6mo now and I'm still hanging on to extra weight. I read and try different things but I can't seem to get it right. Not sure what to do....any advice would be appreciated. Should I eat 4 or 6 times a day? and does anyone know of a book or website for people who want to eat healthy but are picky? ha....
  • IndyManda
    I think you just have to decide to start eating healthy. Not that you can never again have a fast food meal or a fattening starbucks drink, but decide it's just not gonna be part of your regular diet. If you have to, limit yourself to once week, then move to once a month. For me, having a fast food meal, once a month, has not made a difference as long as I'm working out. I don't even miss it anymore. That kind of thing is addictive. Not just mentally, physically, your body will crave what you feed it. If you give it fries and milkshakes, that's what you will crave. If you give it healthy snacks, it will crave what it needs, and you can truly listen to the cravings and give in to the cravings and not be depriving youself of anything. That's the one most important thing I have learned recently. Deprive your body of something bad for long enough, it will learn to live without it and crave a healthy substitute.
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    I find for me that eating six smaller meals a day keep me from getting hungry during the day. And I try to think of food as energy so that I make better choices when heading for a snack. I try to have fruit, yogurt, nuts around. I quickly grab those instead of heading for a higher calorie, less energetic food.

    Also I cut out coffee and am drinking green and red tea. The taste is a little strong but you get used to it. And, lots and lots of water, it keeps me feeling full in between meals.

    It's hard to loose those extra pounds after having your baby. I have a three year old and a 9 month old, and I totally understand. It's great what you are doing! Good luck, you will succeed!
  • Lisarrrtist
    Deprive your body of something bad for long enough, it will learn to live without it and crave a healthy substitute.

    This is so true. I treat myself to a bag of steamed brussel sprouts instead of m&m peanuts. No kidding!

    I also agree with going slowly and making small healthy changes for the long haul.