Does water really make a difference?

What are your opinions? I love water personally, but I rarely get up to the eight glasses a day the world seems to recommend. I know it's proven that if you have a lot of liquids with especially if you eat certain types of fibers it makes a world of difference, but is this the only reason so much water is recommended? And really...8 glasses?


  • 8 glasses of liguid is a good idea for proper hydration, but you get water from food/drinks throughout the day. It will not make a difference on your fatloss. So if you are thirsty drink up! I don't stress it :]
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    I don't do 8 glasses a day, and I also don't like water much but I have found that I feel better when drinking it and it as if my body is using it to flush out the things I am eating. I definitely have to do tricks like lime, lemon, or cucumber in the water. I am feeling better by drinking it though!!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Not everyone needs 8 glasses. Basically you need to drink enough fluids to keep your urine a very light yellow. For some people that's 6 glasses, for some it's 10. Drink more when you exercise, more when you sweat due to the heator whatever...

    I can't prove it, but i think i lose faster when I drink enough. It might be that if i don't drink enough my body tries to conserve it, so I hold water weight. I know i feel better drinking more. I sometimes add lemon or other flavor if i get bored with just water.
  • chattychick
    chattychick Posts: 90 Member
    I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on t.v.-


    I can vouch that my running has improved since I have upped my water intake. And as a result of that I have lost a bit of weight.

    SO it all seems to be connected. Drink up.
  • JayPeazy
    JayPeazy Posts: 89 Member should drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water for the best working body possible. Before you say anything, I KNOW. Right now my goal of 233 ounces/day is an endurance trial! Nevertheless, water is the key. Pure and simple. I mean, if you think about it, our bodies are like 98% water...of course we should drink a ton of it! I am not judging your disdain for water...I totally get it.

    We take an orange and slice it up, then drop the slices into a pitcher of water and chill in the fridge. You get a hint of citrus in the taste, but none of the calories. It has saved me!
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    For me, yes it does. I do not have as many cravings nor do I feel the urge to snack when I have been drinking plenty of water. For the past week, I have been drinking atleast 95 ounces per day (half my body weight) ~ I shed 6.2 pounds this week. This was one of the main things I changed :)
  • I believe it helps to kick start your weight loss. Because the more water you are putting in the more you will put out because your body will know that it will stay hydrated without it having to retain water. Hence why some people can lose like 10lbs in ~2weeks or less. *I'm not sure if this happens only to those on low carb diets. But it's just water weight that they are losing and will most likely gain a few pounds back. Someone please correct me on my logic if it's not right.

    Also if you feel like you need to achieve the 8 cups of water a day realize that 8oz of water equal one cup. If you drink one 16.9 (what I drink) oz bottle of water there you have already drank 2 cups. So just by drinking four bottles of water you've reached your goal. Keep a bottle or jug or whatever of water near your computer or work station or by your side while watching T.V. you might find yourself just drinking the water without actually feeling like a chore.

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Dr. Oz says 4 - 8 oz glasses

    I feel like drinking water is good but I only drink it for thirst. I think drinking gigantic amounts only stresses your kindeys and gets rid of valuable nutirients unnessisarily. Just my opinion. I usually drink 4 to 5 cups unless I need to rehydrate due to more sweating than usual.
  • catfisch_6
    catfisch_6 Posts: 11 Member
    I am certainly no expert, but for me, water makes a huge difference. I stopped losing weight a while back, and I rarely had more than five glasses of water. I upped my water to eight or more cups a day, and dropped ten pounds in two weeks. I also found that the more water I drink, the more I want.
  • Hello,
    I upped my water intake this week......the past 3 weeks the scale was STUCK!......the past two days almost 4 pounds....due to a freaking huge amount of water! Just my take!
  • sjdoman
    sjdoman Posts: 81 Member
    I have found that my weight doesn't fluctuate a whole lot as long as I drink 8-10 glasses of water and keep my sodium in check.
  • Just depends on the person..sometimes i drank less than 8 and sometimes more...I just make sure i drank plenty when exercising cause it's hot out and I'm not trying to pass it's your call:)
  • Water is important because it keeps you hydrated. If you're thirsty, then you're all ready dehydrated. Sometimes when you think you're hungry you're actually thirsty, so drinking a lot of water curbs that 'emptiness' appetite. Also, some foods, like grains and some fruits, absorb water and expand. When you eat something with fiber and drink water it expands in your stomach and you feel less hungry.

    The final reason water is important is because it clenses your body. It helps wash things through your GI track and when it is absorbed through the intestines it is put in the blood. It dilutes blood helping to keep blood pressure down and helps your kidneys when it is absorbed. Because your kidneys filter your blood and balace pH levels and concentrations of chemicals, the water helps remove extra toxins and superfluous salts and minerals through osmosis bringing blood levels to equilibrium.

    You may not want to drink eight glasses of eight ounces a day because you'll pee like a racehorse, but I do reccomend drinking as much as you can. I carry around a huge water bottle with me every day and see if I can drink more than one. It contains 32 ounces of water. I feel great if I can drink at least one of those a day. Good luck!
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 615 Member
    A lot of times when you have not had enough water you may feel hungry. This will lead to snacking which leads to excess calories. I think this is the main reason water consumption is stressed so much.
  • th2much
    th2much Posts: 156 Member
    I have started drinking 6-8 glasses of water since I started mfb & it has made a difference in the way I eat. I do feel fuller because of all the water I am drinking. I also see toxins flushed out of my system because of more water in :) so drink up!!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Water is the number 1 diet tool in my opinion.

    It keeps you hydrated.
    Helps with digestion.
    Helps you feel full without any extra calories.
    Helps your body detox.
    Helps move water soluble vitamins and minerals where they need to go.

    And that's just a few things.

    I literally drink at least a gallon of water a day.
  • Well, drinking 500ml has been known to boost metabolism by 25% for a brief period of time. Apparently, you can burn 25 calories per 500ml. So, if you drink 8 cups (250ml/ea) you'd burn 100 calories. Now, that may vary, but it's a nice bonus.

    Aside from that, water aids in digestion and hydrates your body. Which is important, because a lot of people confuse dehydration/thirst for hunger. Water is also important for keeping a lean figure. Muscles are comprised of 70% water. I'd recommend you just keep sipping water throughout the day.
  • carramel0705
    carramel0705 Posts: 183 Member
    personally i find the more water i drink the less likely i am to "drink my calories"
    i have cut out all sugary drinks this week .
  • Joha0731
    Joha0731 Posts: 8 Member
    i agree with you, i dont like water either. but when i started the diet i had to look in different directions to have more liquids through the day. i tried everything, but i did find out that i love flavored sparkling water. love it!..... having more water does make a huge difference.....
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    In a word, yes, water makes a difference.

    An aside rant, Arrgh! Drives me nuts when people say "8 glasses". Often you see suggested 8 CUPS.. that's as in measuring cups, you can fit 2 of those measuring cups into a tall 16 oz tumbler glass.. Don't try to drink more water than you really need, it will frustrate you!

    *rant done* thank you

    For more help check out the free app called "hydrate" which can help you track water.