Help with Sportline SX Universal HRM

I just bought a new HRM. The one I had, was losing time, and wasn't always reading my HR. So I got this Sportline SX universal HRM. It came with the chest belt, which I haven't even tried yet. still trying to figure out the watch. I was able to set Sex, weight, height. However I can't figure out the calories, or even timer. My old one, you would start the timer on the cal part, and just constantly check HR to keep it acurate. However this one has so many settings and is complicated.

Does anyone have this HRM, and how on earth do I just do a normal workout, and tell me the calories? I tried looking online, and found nothing, other than to buy it. and the sportline website, doesn't even have this style listed. the manual, says nothing about how to start.

Please help. I'm getting very frustrated, and ready to return it.