Soda. To drink or not to drink, that is the question

I gave up all soda for Lent back in 2009. Haven't had it since (except for a few accidental sips). I used to drink a lot of it. I switched to diet soda about 9-10 years ago, but I drank loads of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi.

I gave it up almost 3 years ago and now I have no desire for it. The thought of it does not entice like it once did.

Has anyone else given up soda entirely?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've never been a huge soda fan, but if I drink it, has to have alcohol in it. And since I hardly ever drink alcohol anymore, I don't drink it anymore.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Dank a lot of Dr. Pepper. I have given it up gradually and started putting in water instead.. I do have diet Dr. P now and then but don't need to drink it all day. Water is a tough one for me... but everything says you need it. Giving up soda is a good thing!
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    I gave up soda for Lent in 2008. At that time, I was drinking about two gallons of Diet Pepsi each day. After Lent, I switched to Sprite and felt that I was doing good by dropping the caffeine. When I started my weight loss journey two years ago, I gave up the Sprite and haven't had a soft drink since. I am glad to have finally gotten all that toxicity out of my body. Now, my only daily liquid intake is water an milk with my cereal. I am sure my body is better because of it.
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    I drank diet coke from 4a to 11p all day every day for years, then one day quit completely for a little over a year - i drink them some now but mostly water. I know i should go back to just water but sometimes i get tired of that or want a good caffeine source. I'm sure just water is best but if thats my bad habit, i think i'm doing ok.
  • rollycollysmama
    I gave up soda 3 weeks ago, I know it hasn't been forever or anything but thats a HUGE step for me because soda was like probably a majorty of my diet. eekk I know, terrible right. My idea of dinner was a coke and a marb light. since giving up soda I drink twice as much water and I haven't really missed it either. will I give it up forever? Maybe, maybe not, but for right now it feels good! though I suffered with TERRIBLLLEEEE head aches the first two weeks of no soda, in the end, it was worth it!
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    I really only drink water (lots of it), coffee, and tea, and some almond or soy milk. Plus a sports drink after a really sweaty workout.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Yep - I used to love a good Diet Coke / Pepsi / Dr. Pepper. I would always keep a case of one of them in my fridge & order Diet Coke at restaurants. Back in August, I vacationed at Canyon Ranch, where they don't serve any soda at all; I haven't had a sip since. I don't think they're evil, but they're certainly not doing anything good for me, so water is my drink of choice now! I do miss it a bit from time to time, but no crazy cravings or anything.
  • kalepowered
    kalepowered Posts: 76 Member
    I used to go through around 6 cans of Dr. Pepper or Coke a day, every day. I quit drinking pop for the most part several months ago mostly by accident, just because I was cutting out a lot of "crap" foods from my diet in general, and when you drink that much pop it really adds up cost-wise. I used to still drink pop once a week tops when I went out, but it started to make me feel really sick so I've just cut it out completely and I feel much better. No point in drinking something that's just going to make me feel ill.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Nope, and never intend to. No point. I have no reaction to sweeteners, and next to no cals in diet why the problem?
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Hey, how about that -- Lent of '09 is when I started my lifestyle change as well. I didn't just give up soda though -- I gave up "everything I know is bad for me" :D My perceptions of that phrase have changed since then, but it was undoubtedly an excellent starting point. Haven't looked back.

    Anyway, the only soda I have had in a long time is a small bottle of vintage style cream soda or root beer (none of that HFCS or artificial crap) maybe once a year. I also have a glass of homemade lemonade maybe once a year. Other than that, I drink water.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    I don't drink soda at all by itself. I do have it in my Jack n Cokes though :blushing:
  • Priincess_Natalie
    Priincess_Natalie Posts: 367 Member
    After drinking diet soda my entire life (31 years) I finally gave it up. I don't even crave it. Take one look at the ingredients and that's all you need to know. I refuse to drink chemicals anymore.
  • Gracienbalsmommy
    they have water now with caffeine in it! Its called Shock H20. One bottle has 60mg of caffeine! And you can't taste it AT ALL. It taste like plain old water! Its great!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    I stopped in 2008, as well.

    I think I've had five or six in that four year period.

    I never drank diet . . . it tastes weird to me.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I gave up all soda for Lent back in 2009. Haven't had it since (except for a few accidental sips). I used to drink a lot of it. I switched to diet soda about 9-10 years ago, but I drank loads of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi.

    I gave it up almost 3 years ago and now I have no desire for it. The thought of it does not entice like it once did.

    Has anyone else given up soda entirely?
    I did.
    Soda is horrible bad for you, and one day when I decided being fat was no longer for me, soda was out of my diet, including diet soda. In addition to the sugar, I don't trust what these companies put in those drinks: chemicals, addictive substances....

    No, just water - pure water, chilled with some lemon juice.
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
    I used to be addicted to Mt Dew and Diet Mt Dew. Coming off of that crap was like coming off of crack. I don't drink soft drinks very often nowadays. If I do, I have the occasional Diet Coke. Usually I only drink soft drinks if alcohol is involved though. Diet Coke and Malibu? Yes, please!
  • denise_earheart
    I did years ago without trying and I was hardcore addicted.. on occasion now I will have soda water with lime but now my main guilty pleasure is gatorade
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Oh hell no! I would NEVER give up my soda! I haven't had a regular soda in a looong time, I've switched to diet... since then I've been drinking maybe 1 regular size can per day. Some days I might have 2, but I try to drink mostly water.

    I LOVE SODA!!!!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I don't really drink pop anymore unless I drink vodka and I'll mix it with some diet, but that's about the only time I drink it!
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    I used to drink dr. pepper and monster energy drinks. i stopped drinking them 3 weeks ago! Not a sip for me. And i don't miss it at all. I have lost 12 pounds too! granted i have been eating better and excersizing also. But i feel great!!