P90X and HRM

So just finished day 4 of P90X which is yoga X (1 1/2 hrs)...my HRM said I burned 961calories....is that possible?


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I searched a lot of other peoples results from each workout to compare with my own (I'm on day 33) and it seems like it's entirely possible. I haven't been able to do the whole 1.5 hours of it and I substitute that day with a different yoga so I can't say for sure compared to mine... But I've seen many people burn 600-900+ during yogaX. I'd trust the HRM. It's harder than most yoga!
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    yes it is absolutely possible. i haven't done p90x, but i have seen others who are doing it on my friends list burn a 1000 calories per workout. that's the reason it works. :drinker:
  • I wouldn't know. I couldn't complete the workout lol. I have to build my way up to P90X. I'm doing Zumba for now and liking it so far. Maybe when I build my strength, I can go back to P90X.
  • bshedwick
    bshedwick Posts: 659 Member
    So just finished day 4 of P90X which is yoga X (1 1/2 hrs)...my HRM said I burned 961calories....is that possible?

    I really depends. Do you have your HRM set up correctly with height, weight, and age? If your HR is really elevated, its possible I guess.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    no....I think this is inaccurate. I find that sometimes my hrm will be wonky and if it is acting up at all it is especially wonky when my arms are over head or I am upside down....not always but it happens...when my HRM is being wonky it can read 228 even when it should read 75
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'd try a new HRM. I'd consider myself fairly fit and in good shape and burn 1500 running for 90 minutes. Yoga simply isn't cardio it's more strength training. I work hard on p90x yoga and burn on the 200 or 300 range. I'd guess it's time for a change. Does yours have a chest strap? What is your resting HR and how fast are you recovering. Also what is your perceived rate of exertion, meaning how hard do you think you are working? If you truly think your HR is over the top then maybe a good burn but I still would think a burn like that is an error.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I don't use my HRM when I try Yoga. I only do it for Cardio or Weights.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I'm a runner and I burn around 1000 calories for running 10 miles, which takes me about 96 minutes. You can't compare the two at all, and no matter how hard I try my body will not burn that during 90 minutes of yoga, even P90X yoga.

    There is definitely something wrong with your HRM. I hit just over 300 usually and I'm on Day 73. It's just not a calorie burning workout.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm starting to wonder if my burns are off. How much on average do some of you burn in some of the other workouts? So I can compare. I'm doing KenpoX today and usually burn around 400. Does that sound right?
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I'm starting to wonder if my burns are off. How much on average do some of you burn in some of the other workouts? So I can compare. I'm doing KenpoX today and usually burn around 400. Does that sound right?

    Yes, for Kenpo X that sounds right. I'm usually around 450 with that one.
  • fourbtgait
    fourbtgait Posts: 9 Member
    1000 calorie burn I think is a bit high. As others say, check the set up.
    With that said though, everyones calorie burn is going to be different.
    At 6', 190 lbs, 55 years old My HRM shows 432 for 90 minutes, wife who is 46, 5' 4, 124 lbs burns half that.
    How much does a person push will impact the numbers lso.
    If I dog it and just do it, my burn is half.