Tips to Stop binge eating?



  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I am having issues with this too.

    Something that has been working for me is thinking about the half ton lady I saw on discovery channel. I know that sounds stupid but I think about her and Im like how did that happen then I think about what im doing and how i got to the point im at and that usually scares me back into my calorie goal.

    but I want tips too... Sometimes the half ton lady doesnt do the trick...

    or try to fill my day with more when I feel like eating just to be eating...ill text someone and start a conversation or ask if someone wants to go somewhere

    I hear ya! When I see overweight people in the stores while shopping, I remember back to when that was me only a short year ago, and it definitely keeps me motivated to keep at it! It's been hard lately but I'm all in, and never giving up..Why? so I can be like I used to be, fat, miserable, ashamed and feeling depressed all the time?! Besides, I got rid of all my "fat clothes" and have bought many new thinner pieces, am I willing to give all that up?! Sure don't want to! I can't go back now, so would it be worth it to continue eating bad and feeling bad about yourself...No, of course not! It's ok to have a splurge every so often, but once you get on that path of over eating and self destruction again everyday, it gets harder and harder to keep going in the right direction. So please, never give up... I know how you feel. Diets are boring and so is exercise,so look at it more as a way of better health. Just keep in mind how much better you feel now and always ask yourself, "Is it worth it"???? hugs :)
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I've been there and those days suck! Don't beat yourself up too much - you are making great progress.

    Easier said than done - but try NOT to get bored. Make yourself a list of things to do and put it on your fridge or pantry. When you start to go down the binge road, maybe that list will help distract you.

    Also, are you maybe depriving yourself of something? WARNING: This advice may get me in trouble:wink:: Like if you are really craving pototo chips, but you are resisting so you eat everything else to avoid those potato chips. When if you would have given in and allowed yourself to eat just 1/2 a serving, you would have been satisfied and ate alot less calories with that mini-serving of an unhealthy snack than the 6 servings of a healthier snack. That can be a tricky one.

    Good Luck!

    Not gonna beat you up!...LOL...It's definitely true what you said. Somedays I want something so bad, and instead of just eating the thing I really wanted, I will eat everything else in site and I still feel empty and not satisfied! This is a life long journey, your bound to have good and bad days, good moments and bad moments. Just be smart, and keep continuing on, and never, never beat yourself up..only makes it worse and that much harder to continue on your healthy journey!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member

    stop it.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    how about focus on your WORK
  • Inebriated
    Choose snacks with protein. Protein takes longer to digest and burns slowly when it does. It will keep you satisfied for longer. Hard-boiled eggs, beef jerky, cheese sticks, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, grilled chicken strips, things like that.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    how about focus on your WORK

    If you have never had problems with binging then you can't understand how powerful the urge can be.
  • sheystar
    i know how hard it is to control binge eating. i don't know how i've managed to stop myself from bingeing but i guess i just stopped depriving myself from the foods i love to eat before i lost weight. now i'll eat a square or two of chocolates, not a whole bar. i eat doritos, but i'd share it with a friend.

    also, you'll keep on bingeing because it's a cycle: deprivation-bingeing-guilt-depression back to deprivation and the cycle goes on. so let's say you binged. the key is not to stress on it too much. instead, move on and log it in your food diary. see how that bar on your weekly graph goes red to remind yourself how it strays you away from your goal.

    lastly, try your best to stuff your kitchen with healthy snacks. it's better to binge on fruits than on potato chips with the same amount of calories.

  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    At work can be hard, but you can do this! Make sure you pack a lunch and several healthy snacks. I like hummus and veggies, salsa and veggies, light tuna and celery, black beans or fat free refried beans, fat free cottage cheese, light yogurt, fruit. I try to keep snacks to about 300 calories per day, but that depends on your daily intake as well.

    I also really stand by drinking to avoid binges. I drink coffee with Splenda and unsweetened almond milk, tea with Splenda, herbal tea, water.

    I also think you should listen to what you want for a binge-- if you want cheese, have a slice of that or some hard grated cheese on whole grain crisps like Kavli. If you want sweets try a fruit and yogurt or some Fiber one brownie.

    You can do this and you can beat a binge. GL!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    you probably aren't eating enough and not often enough. try eating 200 cal meals every 2 hours.

    ^^ this :)
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    The distraction techniques are well and good but personally they usually don't work for me. I'd say eat small servings of protein AND (good)fat snacks to cull cravings and thoughts of bingeing - almonds, walnuts, a spoonful of peanut butter. Take a small amount, put the bag or jar away, remove yourself from where the food sources are and eat your snack.

    Also try to chug a good amount of water. I just chugged half of my water bottle, and it made my stomach so full feeling that the thought of putting anything else in there made me feel uncomfortable and was the farthest thing from my mind
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    I'm a huge boredom eater! If you're not at work and at home and get bored hunger take a nap! I did this today and slept for 3 hours and saved myself from eating! So needed! Also, If you're at work don't bring any money, so you have no choice but to not eat anything!
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    I used to binge eat. I had a horrible time saying no to food and I would always feel incredibly guilty about it. What has been working for me is planning. Planning what I eat on a daily basis and exactly WHEN I'm going to eat. By having a set schedule of what and when I'm going to eat next (I plan out all my meals and snacks for the week) and imputing that into my calender on my phone, I have had no desire to binge eat. I know when my next meal or snack is going to be and that has made all the difference!!
  • caors2183
    Hi.... I am finding changing my routine is helping....I usually sat from 1.30 till 3.30 "resting for the afternoon in front of TV.... I was resting but my cravings weren't. I now am trying to be busy over that period of the day....sewing, cleaning, studying and find that my mind doesn't dwell on whats in my fridge..... also I have fruit all over the place as a first line in defence. It is helping
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member

    stop it.

    LOL :laugh:

    Seriously though... My best advice, control yourself. You have to learn self-control. Find something that isn't eating to do every time you feel that urge. It will be hard at first, but you will overcome it.
  • bjsquires
    bjsquires Posts: 72 Member
    I have the exact same problem. I am a boredom, stress, happy, sad, sick, you name it eater. Then I feel so bad after I binge that I eat again. Self control? I have none.

    I drink nothing but water and coffee w/ sweet-n-low (and only when I wake up for the day). I used to drink alot of sweet tea but I have cut that completely-2 weeks and counting.

    I don't understand moderation. I try to have just a piece of dark chocolate or an individual serving of something and it just isn't enough and before I know it I have consumed the entire bar, bag, container, etc...

    I am currently on anti-depressants and I swear they make me want to eat more.
    I need support.