More water?!

I have such a hard time drinking 8 glasses of water a day, i dont know why i just dont drink very fast or something, do you guys have any tips on drinking more in a day?


  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Set an alarm to go off every hour. Drink at least 1/2 a glass of water every time it buzzes! :D
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    If you start drinking more water, your body comes to expect it and even crave it. After a short while it will become natural! :D
  • I find that if the water is too cold (even though I like it cold) I won't drink as much of it. Instead of ice water I drink either drink room temp or water cooled in the fridge.
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    I have the same problem. I forget during the day, and at night I chug like 5 water bottles.
    The other day someone recommended that I set an hourly alarm as a reminder to drink.
    Also, try to keep water bottles on hand or a reusable bottle that you can fill up than getting glasses from the fridge.

  • HealthierMimi
    HealthierMimi Posts: 5 Member
    I've been having this same problem.I started keeping a drinking glass in the bathroom, then when I wake up and go in there first thing in the morning I see the glass and can down a one before I brush my teeth. Also someone suggested to me to drink a glass right BEFORE you eat each meal. That right there is 4-6 cups depending on how big YOUR cup is. I'm in the same boat with you.... I've gone from 1 or 2 glasses a day to 4 or 5 so I guess it's helping somewhat, Good Luck!!
  • I carry a bottle with me everywhere I go, it holds 4 cups. Otherwise I don't drink any :)
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    I find adding some sort of flavour makes it easier, something like crystal light even though I only use it once a day makes it more bearable. I also add lemon slices which makes it both tastier and I've heard it boost metabolism as well
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    Don't forget to see how much your glasses hold. I made the mistake of thinking I had to drink 8 GLASSES, when it really means 8 CUPS (8oz). Apparently, my glasses hold 16 ounces each, or 2 CUPS of water. So really, I only have to drink 4 glasses. :)

    I felt so silly for not realizing. But that's OK.

    After drinking for a while, it really does become easier to drink water. I would recommend just having it around. I don't have anything else in my house to drink except milk, so really I have no choice, and I quit soda, so at work, it is the free water there. It makes it easier if it is your only choice, and four 16 ounce glasses a day isn't so bad!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I found a caffeine free herbal tea I enjoy cold. I boil up a pitcher full of water add a few tea bags and refrigerate it. It tastes great.
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    Always have your water bottle within reach.
    If you start to feel snack-ish, drink some water. Often we think we're hungry when we're actually thirsty and just want to moisten our mouths. (If you're still hungry, then decide if you need a healthy snack.)
  • Bjfavara
    Bjfavara Posts: 22 Member
    I found a water container with an 8-cup measurement so I fill it up early in the morning and drink about one glass per hour or more at room temperature. It's encouraging to see the line go down.
  • pinkminy
    pinkminy Posts: 286
    I keep a jug in the fridge with slices of lemon in it its nicer like that, and I make sure i drink the whole jug that day
  • jenna715
    jenna715 Posts: 201
    I found a water container with an 8-cup measurement so I fill it up early in the morning and drink about one glass per hour or more at room temperature. It's encouraging to see the line go down.

    I started doing this too, and its worked great for me! Just have to fill it up in the morning and make sure its gone by the time i go to bed.
  • zekni
    zekni Posts: 25 Member
    I think most of you are underestimating how much water you really need.

    As a massage therapist, I can tell you there is a huge difference in what tissue feels like in people who don't drink water, drink some but not enough, as opposed to what the tissue of people who are well hydrated FEELS like. Most people feel like they drink enough water daily.
    Honestly, when it comes to pain management, let alone weight loss or other metabolic function -- if most of these people drank the amount they should, they would rarely need to come see me. Talk about a cheap, easy fix.

    Half your body weight in ounces people. It's silly to think that 8, 8oz glasses is going to be enough water no matter what whether you're 5' and 100lbs or 6'4" and 250lbs.

    If it's hot outside or you're working out to where you're sweating, you need MORE water than that.

    "But then I'll have to pee all the time." Sure. For a little while until you're body adjusts. But that's only because you've trained it to underperform in a state of dehydration. Can you drive your car if you don't change the oil? Sure. But you're shortening the lifespan of the motor. And in the meanwhile you complain about your back hurting, and your knees and ankles. You get headaches and it's hard to lose weight.
    You're here to learn how to get healthy. Don't short change your body by depriving it of the most basic of it's needs.
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    I've had exactly this problem until fairly recently. Water just seemed to sit deep in my throat; trying to drink was like eating when full. But you really do get used to it. I earn my coffee by drinking 2 cups of water; when I take my vitamins I space them out with sips of water in between; etc. I am still having to chug it but it is much easier to get in the 64 ounces now than it was just a month ago.
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    The easiest way is to carry a water bottle with you. If it's always on hand you'll be more tempted to drink it. Soon it'll get to be a habit and you might even start drinking more than the 8 cups.
  • I have a water bottle, and I drink it constantly. Like seriously, I'm like a hamster. I have a super small bladder though, and I'm school, so I can only pee in breaks. I almost die. But I use to be very dehydrated, so when I first started drinking more water, I wore 8 braceletts on and took one off for each glass of water I drank. Helped tons!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    A straw helps me drink a lot more. I'm not sure why. Also, adding a little lemon helps it go down.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I have such a hard time drinking 8 glasses of water a day, i dont know why i just dont drink very fast or something, do you guys have any tips on drinking more in a day?

    You need the equivalent of 8 cups of water a day on average, from any source. These sources can be pure water/tea/coffee/juice/soda/milk/fruit/veg etc. It does NOT have to be pure neat water!

    As for coffee being a diuretic, so many people just spout that word as a reason, without actually understanding what "diuretic" means.

    di·u·ret·ic (d-rtk)
    Tending to increase the discharge of urine.
    A substance or drug that tends to increase the discharge of urine.

    Neat water is also a diuretic. The diuretic effect of caffeine is far, far outweighed by the actual water in the tea/coffee. Also, regular consumers of caffeinated beverages will build up a tolerance to said effect, eventually reaching the point where caffeinated drinks provide practically the same amount of hydration as a cup of neat water will.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    When I first started drinking water regularly it was very hard, and I noticed that if I drank it cold, the harder it was... I always carry a bottle that holds 16oz. I started doing this: 1 bottle while having breakfast, 1 bottle while having lunch, 1 while having dinner, 1 while working out. Five months later, I drink a gallon of water with no problem every single day.