challenge 100lb

Hi, saw this site noted on Twitter, kinda thought it might be another pay site and pointless but actually mighty impressed so far. :-)
I started a challenge before Christmas to lose 100lb in a year for 2 charities. So far I have lost 1st 1lb through increased exercise and healthy eating. Thinking looking at calorie counting bit more thoroughly than I have been will increase success rate. It wont harm me to try,
Excercise involves walking, cycling and gym. Running is not an option for me due to knee injury, when I run afterwards it can cause swelling to the injured knee and pain. It was injured through rugby which I loved with all my heart. However what I learnt from rugby re fitness is allowing me to get into fitness well and although not lost weight well in the past, muscle tone and body shape is showing improvement.

So here we go, going to glance around the forum and get the hang of the site for bit of helpful assistance.

All the best all.

Rose x