How do you weigh in?



  • LisaLashesxx
    LisaLashesxx Posts: 133 Member
    soetimes its naked truth.....other times its underwear or fully clothed...depends where I am, at home or work!!

    home def naked when the house is silent and only me out of bed on a friday morning!

    work every so often to check my scale is working right and if there are folks at home i am in under scrundies...........

    what ever the long as its down its good.

  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I think I'm probably the only person that is not only fully clothed, but it's in my work uniform so what with the layers and boots I'm probably carrying a few pounds extra at the very least - but then this is how I always weigh myself, so any loss or gain would still be fairly accurate.

    I don't have a set of scales at home :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Every morning / Most mornings. In my jammies. On the Wii.