I feel so stupid!!

I work out every day of the week except for Saturdays. I take this as my off day since I work in the morning and then I take it as a personal day with my family and to give my body a rest. The day usually consists of family filled events and then a family game night or a night out for dinner. Last Saturday was game night and I had a few beers, I was in my calorie limit for the day but I felt bloated the entire week and only lost .2 lbs for the week, but I did lose about a 1/2" over all. I was 143 on Friday morning. Last night was family dinner night out and I thought okay I want to go somewhere were I can eat reasonalby healthy. So we went to Olive Garden. I checked online before I went to see what would be the best things to eat. I even asked for salad with no house dressing and for a low fat dressing instead. I didnt add any extra cheese or anything and only had 1 breakstick. And absolutely no beer. I did go over my calories for the day but I thought I ate pretty good still. I step on the scale this morning and it says 145!!!! WTF!!! Am I that stupid to have thought that going out to eat would be okay when it totally threw me off my calories and makes me gain weight? This is so frustrating. Will I automatically gain weight if I go over my calories?


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    No... it takes 3500 EXCESS calories to gain a pound. You are probably just retaining a little water due to excess carbs and sodium. You'll be back to normal in no time :D Don't be so hard on yourself! A cheat meal a week is actually recommended; it keeps your metabolism functioning at its best.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Chances are you're retaining water. Watch your sodium and drink a little extra water and it should go away in a couple of days. In order to truly gain 2 lbs you'd have to have went over by about 7000 calories and that breadstick wouldn't have done that, no matter how much butter was on it:)
  • spendsitwell
    spendsitwell Posts: 59 Member
    That makes me feel a little better. Thank you. It is just so frustrating to step on that scale and see an increase. UGGG I just want to scream! LOL
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    my husband gets easily frustrated when he weighs every day and sees a fluctuation. he also weighs at different times of the day. i have finally convinced him to weigh-in only once per week. this is a much better gauge of how you are doing, and he also weighs ONLY in the mornings. especially when you are at the beginning of your weight loss, it is very easy to have a pound or two of either water weight or even depending on the time of the month, perhaps even hormone issues. waitt 6 more days before weighing again. (alot of people do weigh-in every day, but i think for others, it's just too frustrating; it sounds like that is the case with you.)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Check the sodium content of that dinner and you'll have your answer.
  • so you think you went overboard....

    no, you didn't have the extra cheese and have a salad....

    live a little, it's a lifestyle change and punishing yourself is doing no favours, going out is a part of life and changing your approach, for example you could have walked to the restaurant or taken the bus and get off a few stops before, another could be have a few peanuts or nuts beforehand so filling you up a little and its ok to leave some food on your plate if you are full... have a nice stroll after your meal,

    no one can plan for a day when you want indulgences, but dont buy in bulk and keep them at home. walk to the store or even jog... sometimes thats even hard as a family but if they want treats - earn them...

    good luck
  • thank you for sharing this. I also feel stupid. I went on a food binge - really bad for 3 days. I am sure I took the 3500 pounds. Reading your comments give me the strenth to go and weight myself. I weight myself once a week on Sunday morning. I did not want to go but I need to be honest with myself. The important is that I am back with my eating plan. Have a good day. Lucie
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    That makes me feel a little better. Thank you. It is just so frustrating to step on that scale and see an increase. UGGG I just want to scream! LOL

    Eh eh, no screaming! :tongue:

    I once gained 5 pounds after eating a 'healthy' meal at Red Lobster. Turns out I had 3500 mg of sodium in my meal:noway:

    I had an awesome weight loss by the end of the week after drinking water with lemon all day, eating lots of low sodium foods, and continueing the way I had been.

    No worries, your doing an awesome job and a night out will not set you back. I did start to talk to servers before I ordered from then on. Ask for no salt on your food, no butter, ask the if the cook as other seasonings with no msg they can put on . You wont be the only one to ask, and I had the best pc of fish and steamed veggies ever at Red Lobster the next time (my friends like this place)

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I went out to eat at TGI Fridays last night(Fried Mozzarella, Pulled Pork, Fries and half a peanut butter pie). I know that if I stepped on the scale this morning, that I would be up a good 1-2 pounds.. which is why I never weigh after eating out :)

    Just drink some extra water today and you'll be ok.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Check the sodium content of that dinner and you'll have your answer.

    or what she said in 12 words :drinker:
  • spendsitwell
    spendsitwell Posts: 59 Member
    LOL Thanks everyone. Okay I had to go look at the sodium. I am in complete shock. For my HEALTHY dinner was 2,940 mg of sodium. OMG!!! I cant believe it and I totally didnt think about that being an issue. LOL Now I feel even more stupid. hahahaha Okay mental note for next time I go out to eat. Ask about sodium first!!!!!

    Now off for my run and then lots of extra water for the day. :) I am so grateful to have all you wonderful people out there to set me back on track.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's nearly impossible to eat in a restaurant -- especially a chain -- without ingesting massive qmounrs of sodium. If you aren't hypertensive, the worst that will happen is some temporary water retention.
  • Terribelle
    Terribelle Posts: 3 Member
    You think that's bad! I am at home today - so I don't even have the out for dinner excuse, and I made burritos for dinner :s and had a Malteaser bunny! 350kcals over for the day... time for a long walk in the park I think:(