[CLOSED GROUP] "A little bit of this, a little bit of that"



  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Yay!! I survived my first day without going over my sugar. Tomorrow will be #2.
    And I'll be home alone tomorrow so I'll be taking time to watch an old black and white movie :)

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 16/15- 22 miles-DONE!
    125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    55/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)-DONE!
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    1/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    50/30 minutes of pilates-DONE!
    1/2 days of not going over on my sugar
    Weigh-in half as much this week-DONE! (not weighing in until January 31st)
    0/1 hour to myself.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    3/15- 22 miles
    40/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    58/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of 100% tracking
    1/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    20/30 minutes of yoga/pilates/stretching
    1/2 days of not going over on sugar (minus 1 piece of fruit)
    0/2 days of meeting protein (with in 5)

    Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145

    That 2 mile run today KILLED me. It was embarrassing, I think I just need to take it slow, any runners want to give me tips on building endurance/lung capacity?

    Also I cannot for the life of me even do one push up without knees, I get down but don't have the strength to push myself back up. lol I'm going to keep trying though.

    Take it SLOW. Not everyone can go faster (your lungs can only process oxygen so fast!), but everyone can longer!
    But what is going on exactly? That way maybe I have something else to say :)

    I just get tired really easily, I run a few blocks and its like my lungs give out, I feel like I can't breathe. So I stop and walk a bit and then try and run again. Towards the end of the two miles is when my legs give out and I get really bad headaches. I do have asthma so thats probably part of it.
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    2/15- 22 miles of running/walking
    125/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    30/ 70 push-ups (0/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    0/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    2/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    2/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (Done! ) I thought sodium was going to be harder, but I haven't really eaten much processed food these past few days.
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    Daily Stats as of yesterday 1/23
    2.5 miles/15-22 walk or run
    20/125 crunches
    10/70 push-ups (2/10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    2/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    update as of 1/24

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 7/15- 22 miles
    200/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    100/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    3 days of 100% tracking
    1/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) On the flip side, if you’re not meeting a macro that’s important to you (i.e iron, calcium), you’re going to meet it for 2 days!
    Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 4.7/15- 22 miles
    0/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/70 push-ups (0/10 without knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - DONE!
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    1/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/30 minutes of yoga/pilates.
    0/2 days of under on carbs. same effect.
    -Weigh-in half as much this week. - I actually know that I can't do this as I only weigh in once a week and I have to keep doing it for another challenge.
    0/1 hour for myself - I think it is going to be a massage.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    monday's stats
    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 2/15- 22 miles
    125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/70 push-ups (0/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of 100% tracking
    0/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    1/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) On the flip side, if you’re not 0/2meeting a macro that’s important to you (i.e iron, calcium), you’re going to meet it for 2 days!
    1/7Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    0/1You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!

    oh and I caught up on the jumping jacks from last week yay me!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    monday's stats
    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 5/15- 22 miles
    25/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    25/70 push-ups (25/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of 100% tracking
    0/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    1/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) On the flip side, if you’re not 0/2meeting a macro that’s important to you (i.e iron, calcium), you’re going to meet it for 2 days!
    1/7Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    1/1You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Gotta get started on those awful crunches!
    Also, I'll be taking my hour to myself tonight. I'll either watch my guilty pleasure TV show (so embarrassing...) or an old black and white movie. Maybe I'll just lay down and listen to that awesome audio book I got for running.

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 16/15- 22 miles-DONE!
    125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    70/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)-DONE!
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)-DONE!
    3/3 days of 100% tracking-DONE!
    2/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    50/30 minutes of pilates-DONE!
    2/2 days of not going over on my sugar-DONE!! Hard as heck, but DONE!!
    Weigh-in half as much this week-That means not weighing in until January 31st. Consider it DONE!
    0/1 hour to myself.
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    Daily Stats:
    5 miles/15-22 walk or run
    45/125 crunches
    22/70 push-ups (4/10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    3/3 days of 100% tracking DONE!!!
    3/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    1/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!)
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    update as of 1/24 = added 2 more miles tonight

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 9/15- 22 miles
    200/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    100/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    3 days of 100% tracking
    2/4 days of drinking ALL your water
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I promise I'll be here more often!!
    Here are my numbers (including today)

    5.2 miles/15-22 walk or run
    0/125 crunches - will be tacking these on starting tomorrow!
    15/70 push-ups (5/10 without knees!)
    .85 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - I had 83 remaining yesterday, and couldn't think of what else to eat!
    2/3 days of 100% tracking almost there
    1/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    0/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice! - Will also be doing tomorrow
    1/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) SODIUM!! its EVIIIL!

    I need to get started on my crunches - I WILL knock out at least 40 tomorrow (20 standard, 10 each side), and meet my water reqs!
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    10miles/15-22 walk or run
    20/125 crunches - will be tacking these on starting tomorrow!
    15/70 push-ups (5/10 without knees!)
    0 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - this is a hard one! If im not hungry i dont want to force myself to eat mmmm...
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    2/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    1/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice! - Will also be doing tomorrow
    0/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!)

    Slowly getting there, been busy and on top of that i have gotten a cold but im trying not to make any excuses and just get on with it!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    6/15- 22 miles
    40/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    58/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    2/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    20/30 minutes of yoga/pilates/stretching
    1/2 days of not going over on sugar (minus 1 piece of fruit)
    1/2 days of meeting protein (with in 5)

    Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
    Daily Stats:
    7.5 miles/15-22 walk or run
    70/125 crunches
    34/70 push-ups (6/10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    3/3 days of 100% tracking
    4/4 days of drinking ALL your water
    1/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice! 1 Found some stretching warm ups on BodyRock here's the website http://www.bodyrock.tv/2010/02/05/stretching-routine/ found it to be a good routine...some I can do daily
    Weigh Sunday/Monday/Friday: I first said I would weigh on Sunday/Wednesday/Friday but weighed on Monday instead because I wanted to see how much of an effect my decrease in sodium had on my weight, I am really having a hard time with not weighing more often....makes me feel out of control :frown:
    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
    1/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!)
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Week 3: Jan 22-28 - Wednesday update.

    Have been having a rough week - need to step it up!

    Run/walk 7.5/15- 22 miles
    0/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/70 push-ups (10 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - DONE
    3 days of 100% tracking - DONE
    4 days of drinking ALL your water - DONE

    2/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    0/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) On the flip side, if you’re not meeting a macro that’s important to you (i.e iron, calcium), you’re going to meet it for 2 days!

    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it! - sat in front of the fireplace last night and read one of my running magazines from cover to cover.
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member

    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    8/15- 22 miles
    80/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    70/70 push-ups (10/10 without knees!) - DONE!
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - DONE!
    3/3 days of 100% tracking - DONE!
    3/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    30/30 minutes of yoga/pilates/stretching - DONE!
    1/2 days of not going over on sugar (minus 1 piece of fruit)
    1/2 days of meeting protein (with in 5)

    Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Wednesday stats
    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 6/15- 22 miles
    25/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    40/70 push-ups (40/10 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) everyday but unsure if it counts since i went over :-)
    2/3 days of 100% tracking
    0/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/3 sets of 10 minute stretch sessions or 30 minutes of yoga/pilates. Your choice!
    2/2 days of not going over on your weakest macro (i.e. sugar, sodium). You know what I’m taking about!) On the flip side, if you’re not 0/2meeting a macro that’s important to you (i.e iron, calcium), you’re going to meet it for 2 days!
    1/7Weigh-in half as much this week. (For example, if you do it daily, then do it only 3 times this week)
    1/1You've worked hard, so take an hour to reward yourself and do something you enjoy and don't do enough. Tell us all about it!
    I accidentally posted Tuesday as a second Monday lol.
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Week 3: Jan 22-28

    Run/walk 10.51/15- 22 miles
    80/125 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    30/70 push-ups (2/10 without knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - DONE!
    3/3 days of 100% tracking - DONE!
    3/4 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/30 minutes of yoga/pilates.
    1/2 days of under on carbs for actual goal.
    0/1 hour for myself - I think it is going to be a massage, except I don't know when I will have time. I may have to push this to Sunday cause my little sis is coming in this weekend!