Eating all my left over calories today...or should I?

I am trying something new. I am eating all my leftover calories from this week today. I have about 1100 left over calories from this week and about 1200 to start with. This gives me 2297 for today. This still leaves me with my MFP correct deficit for the week. I was going to try the "calorie spike" method because I am at a weight loss stall (I did just start a new workout program-Insanity- this week which does not help) but if those are calories I am supposed to eat then is that a "calorie spike" or "cheat day" ? I am going to try it for 2-3 weeks, if it doesn't work then I will stop. I am not losing anyway, why not try something else?

p.s. I am still losing inches and my old pants do not fit so I am not unhappy, just trying to get that dang scale moving.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    :drinker: Like you said " try it" if it does'nt work, stop. Good luck.