Falling Further and Further off the WAGON



  • Pollyfleming
    Pollyfleming Posts: 147 Member
    Are you eating enough during the day? I used to eat 'really well' at work. For me that meant about 400 calories! Then I would come home and be so hungry I'd eat 2000-3000 calories by bedtime. I started eating a little more during the day (about 800) doing a moderate workout after work (about 35 minutes of elliptical) and then having a sensible dinner. One thing that REALLY helped was having a snack in the car on my way home from work. I like to have protein/healthy carbs like a hard-boiled egg, cut up veggies, and 4 triskets. It really helps me from binging when I get home.
    Good luck! You can do this!
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    Take some time to examine the emotions you're feeling when the temptation comes upon you. It's more effective to deal with the true root of the issues rather than the symptoms. Most of us overeat because we're trying to avoid feeling something. Handling the normal emotions of life correctly is a huge part of this journey.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Print out the picture of you in the wedding dress. Put it where you can see it every day. Use that as motivation.

    If you have to, if you rely can't keep away from it, throw out all the junk food.

    Whenever you feel like having something you know you shouldn't (and may not be able to stop), have a baby carrot, have a glass of water, go do something else. Anything to keep your mind off of it. YOU CAN DO IT.

    Use positive seld-affirmation. You ARE worth it. You ARE beautiful. You CAN do it.

    Because, yes, you can.

    Good luck!
  • donnalou2012
    I've had the same problem. I dropped thirty pounds, and gradually gained it back over five years, with some ups and downs along the way. Now I'm back to it.

    It's the sensory desire more than hunger. Folks here are right on when they suggest other options for filling that desire for sensory stimulation--low calorie snacks and exercise. With other household members around, it's not always an option to throw out all the high cal food! Some other ideas -- really cold gerolsteiner mineral water with ice and lemon or lime slices.. A tea ritual -- beautiful pot and cup, favorite herbal or loose tea, splash of milk, dab of honey. Burn some incence. Have a hot bath. Do some stretching or yoga. 20 deep connected breaths. Go for a walk. I tell myself just don't hover between the kitchen and the TV mindlessly reaching for whatever is there.... Have a mantra to rely on for these moments..."radiant food, radiant eating, radiant self". I ask myself, "Does a pizza slice make me feel radiant??? or sluggish and greasy and disappointed afterwards." When I fall off the wagon, it's usually because I've stopped thinking and planning. Change the mind, the body follows.
  • iwillsucceed155
    Your dress is absolutely gorgeous and congratulations! I'm sure this is a stressful time for you and probably why you are overeating. Try to focus, get the junk food out of your house, and brown bag your lunch and snacks. Good luck!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Also if you're getting tired of Nutrisystem, buy a couple of healthy cookbooks. I have a few that i love! Comfort Food Diet, Eat Up Slim Down, and 400 Calorie Fix. I am able to make and ENJOY food that I love without busting the calorie bank.
    I am making Mac and Cheese tomorrow. Then this is the part I used to struggle with. PUT THE LEFTOVERS AWAY! If you are good, you will be able to enjoy that same tasty meal again for lunch.

    I guess I have never been the type to deny myself something I am craving. I usually allow myself one serving. I know if I want it, and I don't have it, then I will probably just binge and eat 3-4 servings the next day. For example... chocolate, I allow myself 1 or 2 squares of good dark chocolate. You can make a chocolate bar last a whole week. Besides, 1 square of chocolate is only 50 verses the 200+ in a brownie.