Help with eating in "moderation"



  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    If you can't find a way to eat things in moderation then I would suggest avoiding those foods at least for the time being.

    Solid advice.
  • I tend to find the longer i avoid something the less i crave it, chocolate for example if i dont have it in the house, i dont desire it and i dont crave it...if i let myself have a piece then i get the taste for it and dont stop.

    I try and save eating the 'junk food' for when its harder to avoid (seeing friends etc) so i can allow myself the odd treat and then just get back to my regular routine in my own time.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    If you can't control it now, don't try to. Just don't buy it. Don't go near it. Don't have it around you. Moderation for me isn't necessarily a smaller serving. It's just how frequently I have that serving. Or make healthy alternatives. If you want ice cream, go for frozen yogurt. Don't buy a CARTON of it. Go to a shop where you can buy an individual serving, eat it, and leave. If you want chocolate, try one of those yummy Fiber One bars (there's one that tastes just like Girl Scout Samoas). Clif makes yummy bars that taste like a peanut butter cookie, carrot cake, blueberry muffin.

    You can find ways to get those cravings but in a better way. If you want crunchy, reach for pita chips instead of Doritos. If you want something fruity and cold (say, a margarita), get some lime fruit bars (natural ones, without added sugar).

    Message me if you need more ideas. :]
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Find a way to manage it. Anything I can't eat within control, doesn't come in the house. I'd find something else to satisfy that craving. I can often eat fruit for my sweet tooth, but if I want a cookie, I go to the bakery, but 1 cookie and take it home. Chocolate almost never comes in the house because I have no willpower over it, but if I want it, I only buy a bite size and then I can usually incorporate it into my daily menu.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Moderation doesn't work for me when it comes to certain macronutrients, so I avoid them as much as possible. Some people can do it; I can't. That being said, I leave one day out of the week to indulge a bit.
  • Melyssaks
    Melyssaks Posts: 69 Member
    My weakness is cheese curls and chocolate so I've tried to find "healthier" solutions to both so i don't have to feel bad about having 2 or 3 servings. Instead of cheese curls I buy Special K cheddar crackers/ chips or cheddar rice cakes and I buy the no sugar added 40 calorie fudgesicles when I'm craving chocolate. These tend to solve my cravings and since they aren't as addicting I can usually stay with only one serving anyway :)
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