Losin' the Eggstra by Easter 3.20.09

xtina11179 Posts: 352
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I just HAD to start the thread this morning because I am so excited!!!!! Another 1.5 lbs gone!!! I got up bright and early this morning and hit the gym again doing another 50 minutes on the Elliptical. I went home and said "Hmmmm...let me just see..." 198.5!! I am FINALLY under 200!!! GOOOOO MEEEEE!!! It has been YEARS so I had to share my exciting news with all of you!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and keep up all of your marvelous work. I am so proud of everyone for aiming for yet another goal. I know we can all do it!!


  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    I just HAD to start the thread this morning because I am so excited!!!!! Another 1.5 lbs gone!!! I got up bright and early this morning and hit the gym again doing another 50 minutes on the Elliptical. I went home and said "Hmmmm...let me just see..." 198.5!! I am FINALLY under 200!!! GOOOOO MEEEEE!!! It has been YEARS so I had to share my exciting news with all of you!!!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and keep up all of your marvelous work. I am so proud of everyone for aiming for yet another goal. I know we can all do it!!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I just HAD to start the thread this morning because I am so excited!!!!! Another 1.5 lbs gone!!! I got up bright and early this morning and hit the gym again doing another 50 minutes on the Elliptical. I went home and said "Hmmmm...let me just see..." 198.5!! I am FINALLY under 200!!! GOOOOO MEEEEE!!! It has been YEARS so I had to share my exciting news with all of you!!!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and keep up all of your marvelous work. I am so proud of everyone for aiming for yet another goal. I know we can all do it!!

    yay thats awesome!!!

    I havent worked out all week because its march break and i have had 4 kids plus my own 3 all week... i usually go to the gym while everyone is at school, or sometimes at night my oldest will babysit her brothers... but she has been gone all week to a friends cottage.... oh well she comes back tonight si im hoping i can go tonight....
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Xtina!!!! That's awesome!!!
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    I just HAD to start the thread this morning because I am so excited!!!!! Another 1.5 lbs gone!!! I got up bright and early this morning and hit the gym again doing another 50 minutes on the Elliptical. I went home and said "Hmmmm...let me just see..." 198.5!! I am FINALLY under 200!!! GOOOOO MEEEEE!!! It has been YEARS so I had to share my exciting news with all of you!!!

    I hope you all have a fantastic Friday and keep up all of your marvelous work. I am so proud of everyone for aiming for yet another goal. I know we can all do it!!

    yay thats awesome!!!

    I havent worked out all week because its march break and i have had 4 kids plus my own 3 all week... i usually go to the gym while everyone is at school, or sometimes at night my oldest will babysit her brothers... but she has been gone all week to a friends cottage.... oh well she comes back tonight si im hoping i can go tonight....

    7 kids, Jackeh..that equates to a gym workout!:laugh:
  • Opera_Bound
    Opera_Bound Posts: 291 Member
    XTina - CONGRATS! That's totally awesome! :drinker: :flowerforyou: (Except that I think I've found it - but oh well!) :grumble:

    Jackeh - I tottally agree with Becky! :laugh:

    Quick update: My SIL gave birth at 3:09 PM yesterday to baby Amanda Elyse. :heart: :drinker: :heart: She's 3 lbs 7 oz and 17 1/4 inches long at only 30 weeks! She's very stable and only on 20% oxygen. She's DEFINITELY a fighter and SO beautiful! I'm such a proud first time Aunt! Thank you all SOOOOO much for your continued support and prayers.:smooched: :blushing: :smooched: It'll be a tough road at the beginning but I know both mom and baby will be just fine! :bigsmile:

    As for me...stepped on the scale this morning just to SEE where I was - unfortunately, I've apparently GAINED 4.2lbs this week. :sad: I'm sure most of it is water weight from going WAY over on my sodium yesterday, but it still really sucks to see that number. Well - here's to hoping that doubling my water and some good cardio the next few days can help reverse it.

    Wishing everyone a WONDERFUL Friday. :flowerforyou: SOOOOO GLAD THE WEEKEND IS HERE!!
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104
    Congrats on the weight milestone! That is AWESOME!!

    I'm starting a new cardio workout today, so I'm really hoping it goes well!

    Have a great Friday everyone!!
  • Congratulatulations xtina. WTG!!!!!!!!!!! I know the feeling after stepping on he scale this morning, I had a 1.5 pound loss - maybe there is something to drinking the water. lol I have also put in 3.08 miles on he treadmill. Good luck to everyone today - hope you all have a wonderful and successful day.
  • LauraK216
    LauraK216 Posts: 104

    Quick update: My SIL gave birth at 3:09 PM yesterday to baby Amanda Elyse. :heart: :drinker: :heart: She's 3 lbs 7 oz and 17 1/4 inches long at only 30 weeks! She's very stable and only on 20% oxygen. She's DEFINITELY a fighter and SO beautiful! I'm such a proud first time Aunt! Thank you all SOOOOO much for your continued support and prayers.:smooched: :blushing: :smooched: It'll be a tough road at the beginning but I know both mom and baby will be just fine! :bigsmile:

    Congrats to your SIL!! I'm sure little Amanda will do amazing! 3lbs7oz is an awesome weight for that gestation too! Preemies are little fighters, I know because I have 2!
  • nancyl3
    nancyl3 Posts: 36
    thats great good for you. I can't wait to get to that point.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    Yes jackeh, I will definitely have to agree that running after 7 kids is a workout in itself!!

    Opera, that is WONDERFUL to hear about your SIL and Niece. Congratulations on being a first timer! I have yet have nieces or nephews. My older brother who is 34 just isn't interested, and my sister is only 19 and my younger brother is 14 so I guess there's no chance in that anytime soon! My sister is a very responsible girl so I imagine she will the type to wait until she's married, like a good girl...tee hee!

    Everyone is doing so GREAT!! I think this will be the best challenge yet!!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    yes opera 3 pounds 7 oz is a great size for a preemie!!!! im sure she will do wonderfully :)
  • So far.. nothing.. but we did just start!! I ran this morning and 30 day shred tonight!:smile:

    keep up the good work everyone!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Good Morning All!

    Xtina-woohoo - I am doing a happy dance for you!

    Jackeh-you are a saint - 7 kids - that makes me sweat just thinking about it

    Opera-congrats on your precious neice!

    I did level 2 and 3 of BL Sculpt and level 1 BL cardio yesterday -sothat was my day 1 of 17 for exercise. Not doing good with water, staying within my calories.

    Happy Friday!!
  • Doing okay here! I don't weigh-in until Monday so I'll know if I've lost or not then! Doing good with calories and water intake, but need to do better with exercising. I'm going golfing with my hubby on Saturday though so that should be fun!!

    Opera- congrats on the new addition!! That is a great weight and only on 20% oxygen!! That is awesome!!

    WTG everyone!!!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    Opera congratulations on being an auntie! i bet she's beautiful :love:

    Last night I had a great pilates class, and stayed w/in calories- so that was good! I'm on about week 2 of being serious about drinking water- i think it's finally helping. it might be just what i need to break through that plateau!!

    I'm not sure if i'll get the chance to exercise today or not- better eat carefully just to make sure i don't go overboard!!

    HAPPY FRIDAY! :drinker:
  • aduff77
    aduff77 Posts: 56
    Just wanted to post as well that I have seen my very first benefit since I joined MFP a few weeks ago!! I was shocked when I saw the scale this morning! Hopefully it wasn't a fluke...

    I had a great day yesterday, felt like I ate alot but it was all healthy and still came in under my calories. I ran farther that I've run before (not a lot but I'm beginning) and I just felt GOOD about myself for the first time in a while.

    I've still got a ways to go before my wedding in July but I am so on track for losing 5 pounds before Easter!!! Which is good because just after Easter I'm getting my wedding dress altered.

    Thank yall for the support and motivation! I wouldn't be able to do this if it were all just counting calories and logging exercise. Reading everyone's posts everyday really keep me motivated.

    What a happy day!:happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ness13hill
    ness13hill Posts: 114
    I did SUPER well with my exercise yesterday...but didn't make the greatest food choices. I know it was dumb. Today is a new day, I am going to make the food choices and get a good work out in today and this weekend. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    Opera - CONGRATS on the new little bundle of pink!!! She is doing awesome for 30 weeks!!! I bet she will amaze everyone. :D

    CONGRATS to everyone on doing so well! Keep up the good work ladies.

    I will be getting weighed wednesday at the Dr., so I weighed myself this past wednesday and the scale said 195. I weighed myself this morning b/c Friday is my usual weigh in day and the scale said 190! Maybe I was holding a lot of water weight. Last friday I was 193, so should I use that as my starting weight for this challenge? I am not weighing in again until wednesday, then I will resume my fridays.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their weigh tloss. I don't weigh in until Monday, so we will find out then if I went up or down. I am getting ready to drive 7 hrs to NY, which means no gym today, but tomorrow we are moving my parents into their new home, so I think I will get a big enough workout tomorrow lifting dressers, beds, boxes etc, to cover for today. Happy Friday everyone:smile:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    Congrats Opera on being a first time aunt. I ma glad to hear that the delivery went well and baby and mom are doing well.

    Congrats to everyone on your losses. I am actually up 4 lbs. I know that I have consumed to much salt and haven't gotten my water in the last 3-4 days. So I am pushing really hard to get a few extra cups in today. And hopefully show another loss.
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