Do you exercise everyday?



  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I lift on average 4 days a week w/cardio. On non-lifting days I do 30 minutes of cardio. However, I listen to my body and on some lifting days I won't do any cardio, or I'll do less, or I'll do more. My workouts depend on how I feel that day.

    However, I do have an eratic workout schedule. I work 12 hour shifts and have 3 days off one week then 4 days off the next week. On my days off I lift around midnight and days I work, I do cardio right after work. So when I transition from my off day to on day, its over 24 hours between workouts, but when I transition from work days to off days, its like 18 hours between workouts.
  • KaiteeKarrot
    I always used to think you should take a day off to let your muscles "recuperate", however the fitness program I've joined begs to differ. With the program I only intensly workout 45 minutes each day and we focus on different muscle groups everyday so as not to completely wear our bodies down. It depends on if your looking to gain lots of muscle or slim down, to slim down they suggested working out every single day so as to give your muscles less time to repair and get larger. It made sense to me, so now I don't take any days off. (I also discovered that even taking a day off throws me off track, so that's a large part of why I'm a 7 days of the week sorta girl)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week. I try to work out pretty hard - enough to where I'm sore the next day. This is why I rest. I work my muscles pretty hard. If you've worked out 2 weeks straight and are wondering if you need a rest day, my opinion is you're not working out hard enough to really need a rest day.
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    What has been working well for me is to have a mix of structured and un-structured days. I religiously take a spinning class 2 days a week so I know that if nothing else, I will make that minimum. Building on those 2 days, I try to fit in 3 days of less structured workouts usually 2 HIIT sessions and one medium length run (3-5 mi). If I really feeling good one week I'll work in a 6th day of a "fun" workout like a brisk walk to the starbuck's that is 1.5 mi from my house :-). As for lifting, I've broken my muscle groups up into chest/tri, back/bi, and legs and have 30 minute routines for each section. This helps me incorporate lifitng quickly and saves me an extra gym session. I find that the variety of workouts prevents me from getting bored or sore and that taking a rest day actually makes me more excited for the next workout. One thing about rest days- I never, ever couple them with my cheat day which I do onces every two weeks. I use to have an all out slacker day when I would skip the gym and eat whatever I wanted but I just ended up feeling miserable. Now I actually do my cheat day on my hardest workout day which leaves me guilt free and still ok on calories. Hope that helps!
  • nu2012
    nu2012 Posts: 562 Member
    This last month I have been working out daily.But I try to switch my workouts.Alternate days I put some light cardio and alternate days I try to do circuit training sort of.
  • muwchck
    muwchck Posts: 261 Member
    I'm just getting back into exercising regularly myself, and I try to do something every day, even if I just take a short walk around the parking lot. I have a bad knee, so I have to change up what I do from day to day so as not to stress the knee every day, at least until I get some of this weight off so it doesn't hurt so much. I don't have lots of options since I'm not part of a gym, and we don't have room for any work out equipment at home. But between playing with my son, doing work out videos from my cable's on demand menu, walking, etc, I'm up doing something every day now. And when it warms up and the pool is open again, I'll probably be in the pool just about every day, with the kids of course.
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    I workout everyday. Some days I don't burn as much. But when I say I am taking a day off I just can't I am addicted to working out. LOL. Just listen to your body. :smile:
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 181 Member
    Yup, everyday single day.

    <humbled> I'm starting to consider myself an athlete again, so whether I'm on the field or not; I have to be very active everyday. I have a dozen or so workouts that I rotate depending on crazy schedules but have 'mostly-always' needed to burn off my extra energy. It gives my mind the much needed respice, if ya know what I mean.