Pedometer hlep

keggreen Posts: 29
edited November 8 in Fitness and Exercise
Sun 01/22/12 10:53 AM
I've read a ton on here about HRM's. I recently bought a pedometer before I started reading, unfortunately. Does anyone think they are that accurate? Also, around how much $$ is a decent HRM? Thanks in advance for any comments:) ps: my pedometer did let me put in my cw, height, and stride length.
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  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    I just got a great one from Polar, and I'm in love with it ( FT7) Not to pricey I don't think. Starting prices are about $63. Great Deals! free quick 3-4 day shipping. I would recommend an FT4 and above since FT4 is the introduction to the calorie expendeture feature. enjoy :)
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