My Cheat Day always becomes a Cheat Weekend

I'm having a hard time sticking to my calorie allowance on the weekends. I've read that it's ok to have one cheat day so your body doesn't get used to a decreased number of calories and stop dropping pounds. However, instead of one cheat day I always have at least two and I know that can't be good for me. I just have a hard time because friends want to go out to dinner each night and get drinks and I don't want to deprive myself of those experiences.

Any advice on how to stick to one cheat day? Also, is there any trick to increase my calorie allowance on MFP for just that day so it doesn't look like I'm in the red? Any advice would be appreciated.


  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I know an entire cheat day would not work for me because it would last at least two (at least that's what happened over Christmas!) Would you be willing to forget the cheat day and strive for a weekly treat? Pick one awesome thing you're dying to eat, and enjoy it! I just ate two chocolate creme eggs.:wink: My weekly treat never exceeds 400 calories, and once I'm done eating it, it's back to business!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think a weekly treat is a great idea. The other thing is, if you're really depriving yourself A LOT the rest of the week, you're going to feel so relieved when you get to the weekend, that it's only normal to want to "cheat."

    Do you have both food and non-food things you look forward to during the week?
  • weezykid
    This sounds a lot like me so you can either do 2 things:

    Not do the cheat at all so you dont get the taste for it

    or forward plan, if you know you are due to go out sat and sunday for example. eat less in the day, do more exercise. Most restaurants have menus online (and if your lucky the calories too) so you can roughly work out in advance what the meal, nightout etc is going to cost you calorie wise in advance so you plan not only how much you can get away having when you are out but also factor this in while planning what to eat and what exercise to do before (or after) the event

    hope this helps
  • stevesavage09
    stevesavage09 Posts: 19 Member
    best you can do is alow a cheat meal, not a whole day that keeps you happy and still on track
  • tbloor
    tbloor Posts: 56 Member
    Before Christmas, I logged M-F and took weekends off and still lost almost 40 pounds from May-December. A few things that I did to try and minimize the effect of the "cheat weekend":

    1) stuck to my normal workout routine
    2) tried to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. If I knew I wanted to go out for dinner and a drink, at least the whole day wasn't a free for all.
    3) switched from mixed drinks like rum or rye and coke to a glass of wine. Or, if I wanted to have a mixed drink, I used sparkling water with natural lemon/lime flavour instead of coke.

    Post-Christmas, I want to try and move from the idea of a cheat weekend or day to, as another poster suggested, one treat.
  • Cassi1990
    Cassi1990 Posts: 74 Member
    I don't suggest cheat DAYS. but perhaps a cheat meal.

    If I "cheat" i still calculate it in and make sure I have the calories to have it. I also zig zag my calories so my body isnt getting too used to 1500 calories or whatever "magic" number.
  • moniqueb39
    moniqueb39 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for this post I just finish blogging about the same thing. Its almost like self destructive I work so hard during the weekk with morning workouts and 1400 low fat calories per day and I feel successful. Ive lost about 15 lbs since January 1. However, when the weekend comes the partying and the calories are out the window. I really needed this post. Thanks!!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? I don't do cheat meals or cheat days. Instead, I work whatever it is I want into my daily calories. I find this way to be easier for me and less like a diet. I don't fall off the wagon on weekends because I can have what I want, when I want it. Perhaps something like this may work better for you? This would allow you what you want during the week too - so you are less likely to want to binge on the good stuff come the weekend?

    If you don't think that will work for you, then I would suggest making sure you get in a good workout on the weekends in order to make room for the stuff you want to eat/drink in your daily calories.
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    i'd try to keep your cheat day for a day during the week. that way, you aren't tempted by the weekend. this use to happen to me and i make sure that my schedule is even mroe strict on the weekend so i don't mess up all my hard work during the week!
  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    I never plan for a cheat at all. It's too much of an invitation to go crazy. My intention for the weekends is to continue what I do during the week and if a cheat meal comes up then go with it. I would be too afraid that I was waiting and planning all week long for that particular day to eat all the stuff I turned down all week. And then for me it turns into a binge-fest. :-)
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    I've learned through trial and error that cheat days just fuel our bad habits. Why call it a cheat when you can have anything you want in moderation?
    I eat very clean all through the work week. Recently I've given up cheat weekends to just having any type of food I want on the weekends but this is what I do. I either take a saucer (smallest one in the house) and that is what I eat the "bad" food or whatever on. Or, I carefully figure out my calories for that meal and I eat that amount of calories for that meal and I walk away! That is it.
    Moderation is the key.
    Also, remember you can work out more so you can have more. It really is all about CHOICE.

    good luck.

  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    If I know I have a social event coming up that will increase my calories I start planning a few days ahead. I start "banking" a calorie deficit. In my mind you can look at your overall week also. I am not a dietician but it makes me feel better when I go over calories on one day but I can look and see I had them to spare a few days in a row. I also plan a workout on that day even if it was a rest day. As far as a planned weekly cheat day, I avoid that because it is hard enough to maintain my will power.
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    I'm in this too! At first the weekend was one cheat then the following weekend 2 cheats, then well you know the for all wekkend! Well today I've decided no mor free for alls and record everything to make it honest and for real..I hope to see better results with the mindset of it's ok to cheat on a meal or a snack but no more ALL WEEKEND STUFF:noway:
  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 267 Member
    I presonally don't get this whole "cheat" thing. If there are things you enjoy such as chips, chocolate, McDonalds, cheesecake, it into your macros once in a while. I have not given up anything. I had pizza last night and finished my day under my calorie goal.

    And if I go over my calorie goals once in a while, it is never by much and I don't stress about it since my average for the week is a deficit.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    I love the cheat day myself but it always gets me in the end especialy on the the weekends. I too need to just stick to a plan and up hold it. I also know that I have to do a revaluation sense July of last year and see where my body mass is and such sense I am working out 5-7days a week now. Good luck to you I hope you find a happy medium something that works for you. I know I have I just need to stop the late night snacking.!!!!!!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i think i didn't have a cheat day for over three months when i started taking weight loss seriously. i didn't think it was a good thing to re-enforce bad habits while i was trying to develop new good habits.

    i enjoy an occasional cheat meal or day once in a while now, but thats after being disciplined for a while. matter of fact, i started making changes in myself in August, and my first cheat day was on thanksgiving. and i ran 5 miles that morning. my next cheat days were christmas eve and day.
  • rower75
    rower75 Posts: 90 Member
    Boy, I am with you. I have made homemade cookies to weekends in a row. I love the raw cookie dough. I don't think cheating two days in row will sabotage your diet totally as long as you remain faithful to your diet Monday through Friday. Remember don't beat yourself up!
  • juniperfox
    juniperfox Posts: 127 Member
    My cheat day was yesterday, but I actually only "cheated" for half a day. Since I'm on keto, I haven't been able to eat as much (less carb cravings → less calories in general), so I more or less cheated with carbs than calories. Just so I don't go crazy and have a HUGE carb binge in the middle of the week and can stick to my plan, and keep my metabolism out of starvation mode.
  • Limit yourself to one day of going out with the friends. Why does it always have to be out to eat and drink? Invite them to do something exciting and different that doesn't require food and drinks so you can still enjoy your friends without jeopardizing your fitness and eating goals. If that isn't appealing, I would workout twice on those days, if you want to play hard, you have to work hard! :)
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I know how social I am on the weekends. And it is even worse during football season. So I make my “cheat day” a weekday. Sounds weird, but I take a day off in the week when I know I won’t go as crazy. Then on the weekends, I kick my workouts into high gear first thing in the morning to prepare for the day. I think that tracking and counting during your most vulnerable time is the best way to get a handle on eating habits. Keeps you aware, which is what weight loss really boils down to in my opinion. I am more detailed with my logging on weekends, every little packet of sugar. Just to be sure I know exactly how something affects me.
    best of luck