Can anyone give me some jumpstarts that work

It is starting to get harder to lose weight. The weight fell off the first few weeks, now I am on my 4th day at 238. My calorie deficit over that time shows about 6500 calories. For some background info, I am slowly giving up coffee, I was about 35 oz per day and now I am down to about 24, I am going slow so I don't get the headaches and run down feeling, but eating healthier has made this easier. Workouts are always there but different everyday, I try to do at least 20 minutes on weights and just started a new leg workout that is more plyometric and explosion oriented. Then I will give tennis lessons and play tennis up to 4 or 5 hours a day. I eat about 1800 calories a day, and for me, it is hard to stay under this. I calculated by guess what I was eating before doing this site and it was between 5 and 8 thousand calories a day. I have virtually cut out refined sugars for about a month now and eat a lot of fruit, usually 3 to 4 bananas and 3 apples per day. Fat grams have ranged between 30 and 40 grams a day. I haven't really deviated from this in the last 4 days. I have had really no slip ups on this plan over the past month. I began on Dec. 27 at 262.

With this info, does anyone see where I can change, or what I can do to jumpstart? What has worked for you guys.

If I need to provide more info, let me know what and I will.


  • RLCoach
    RLCoach Posts: 65 Member
    It is starting to get harder to lose weight. The weight fell off the first few weeks, now I am on my 4th day at 238. My calorie deficit over that time shows about 6500 calories. For some background info, I am slowly giving up coffee, I was about 35 oz per day and now I am down to about 24, I am going slow so I don't get the headaches and run down feeling, but eating healthier has made this easier. Workouts are always there but different everyday, I try to do at least 20 minutes on weights and just started a new leg workout that is more plyometric and explosion oriented. Then I will give tennis lessons and play tennis up to 4 or 5 hours a day. I eat about 1800 calories a day, and for me, it is hard to stay under this. I calculated by guess what I was eating before doing this site and it was between 5 and 8 thousand calories a day. I have virtually cut out refined sugars for about a month now and eat a lot of fruit, usually 3 to 4 bananas and 3 apples per day. Fat grams have ranged between 30 and 40 grams a day. I haven't really deviated from this in the last 4 days. I have had really no slip ups on this plan over the past month. I began on Dec. 27 at 262.

    With this info, does anyone see where I can change, or what I can do to jumpstart? What has worked for you guys.

    If I need to provide more info, let me know what and I will.
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Hi there,

    I maybe would try calorie cycling. It seems like you are eating to few calories and your body may be in starvation mode.

    Google calorie cycling and they can explain it better then I could.

    Excellent work so far!

    Connie Lynn
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    sounds like maybe youve hit a plateau. maybe you should mix it up a little. you could eat a few extra calsfor a couple days to give your metabolism a boost, you could mix up your work out routine. your body can get used to the same routine. and dont forget muscle mass is more dense so maybe the scales not moving but your building muscle. have you taken your measurements? be pround of what you have lost and dont get discouraged keep up the good work it will start to come off again. 24 pounds is awesome.
  • c-grandma
    I'm trying the no sugar, no flour diet, and it's working. Walking, stairstepper and some running, too. Weights, and stretchy bands three days a week, also. I hit alot of long , no weight loss levels, too. Just hang in there! I have to keep trying different ways to get the weight off,too.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    I agree with the others. Is the 1800 your total daily intake? If you are doing that much exercise, you are probably under-eating, which is why you feel you struggle to hit it. Add about 200 cal to your base caloric goal, then add your exercise calories. I also believe in healthy splurge days. It gives you a reason to control the cravings during the week knowing you can have it on splurge day, and odds are, you won't want it by then anyway! One brownie never killed anyone, but a pan of them might!

    I was stuck for a month before I took a good look at my reports for net-calories. Look at yours and see if your pause in weight loss coincides with a decrease in net-caloric intake. If so, this is the problem. Good luck!:drinker:
  • ltsoccermom
    RL Coach,

    Don't give up keep working through it! Did I see only weights and leg exercises?? Did I miss the Cardio work out?? I kept telling my self that my walks and weight training would do what I need it to and it didn't. I am now riding my bike 3-5 times a week and I just bought a Dance Exercise dvd that I tried for the first time last night. That really was a tough workout for me and dripping wet by the time I was done with my 40 minutes (that was all I could do but more than the 15 minutes I would normally have done). I hope in the next week I might show some progress after all the Cardio I am doing. I basically have not been moving for a couple of years. Our bodies have arms, legs, hands and feet that God gave us to move so we need to keep that in mind if we find ourselves on the couch with the channel changer. Just keep moving where your heart is working and you build up a sweat. If I missed something ignore this.
