Anyone LOSE weight after eating alot of carbs?



  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    The happiest and healthiest I've ever been was on a low fat, vegan diet. That is a BIG carb diet. I ate plenty of plant based proteins, so I don't think it was particularly low protein, but certainly lower than a low carb diet. I also figured my diet to be a minimum of 30 grams fiber. That really helps curb the apetite, more so than protein I where's my bowl of beans and rice. :tongue:
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    yes i losted 18 pounds eating alot of carbs it does not matter to me i always go over on carbs daily
    before 142p
    now 124 p & now i have X carbs my diary .. i eat as many carbs as i like ..