Anyone else wiped out at the moment?

For the past week I've been wiped out. I'm eating ok (but adding too much chocolate in I know - I think as a result of the tiredness the cravings have increased) but have very little energy to exercise. I've had my T levels checked recently and my iron is borderline ok (which for me is normal) - I don't have the January blues, and work is no more stressful than normal. Anyone have any ideas? It's getting to the point where I'm even walking slower than normal! Not a woe is me post but anyone else having this - any ideas other than thyroid/iron? What should I do about exercise - battle through it and accept I'll be finished the next day, just do some walking/pilates etc??


  • LakeCountyDiver
    LakeCountyDiver Posts: 50 Member
    The harder I have been working out the more my body craves. Starting out on my diet sure salad and min calories was the goal but now I am half way to my goal I have been adding a lot more meat and the occasional sweet or two. See I noticed that at first my metabolism was slow but since I eat 6+ times a day and exercise 5 time a week my body is burning off A LOT of calories leaving me "Wiped" out thus leading to cravings of sweets which are sugar that your body turns into FAST energy.

    You NEED to eat to keep your energy up plus the leaner you are the more calories you burn doing anything. To fix the problem your having when it happens top me I eat. (healthy)... 1 hour before you work out you should eat a sandwitch or something to give your body something to burn.
  • MissObstinatiox
    MissObstinatiox Posts: 275 Member
    I, m Having a bad week as i,ve felt absolutely shattered! Have no idea as to why but if i close my eyes for longer then 10 seconds i would be easily kicking out the zzzzz,s rather then kicking my butt working out but i,m ready to tackle next week with fresh new motivation and try and ignore the eurgh feeling. xxx
  • MaudeBeige
    Read your post and couldn't help wondering when I'd written it!!!! I'm going through the same thing but know that a lack of sleep that's really screwing me over. 2 weeks ago I was up and running at 2 am and now I can't manage to walk the block. I've never been a big sleeper so don't think it's only lack of sleep but boy is this tough!!!
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I've been through your diary today...and if that's a typical day it's pretty bloomin good. I'm stumped.
    All I can think of is...are you taking enough rest days? Maybe you need to shake up things a little and include more energy dense and high protein foods...?