Low Sodium V8 juice instead of veggies?



  • Fit2Fifty
    There are tons of varieties now of V8 Fusion juices, which combine veggies and fruit, with a serving of each (in the non-light version, the light version is just one serving) AND they taste fabulous! This is how I am getting my teens to get some extra nutrition, especially in the mornings and afternoon!

    HERE'S SOME V8 FUSION INFO: http://www.v8juice.com/FAQ_V8Fusion.aspx#fusionIncluded
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I am currently doing P90X. I actually do like a lot of vegetables but I am trying to watch my carbs, especially last month. I do a lot of spinach salads with fat free feta and red onion. Some fat free balsamic vinaigrette to taste. With the feta I come out on top with protein. Here is the quick and dirty on the P90X nutrition plan.

    Month 1: 50% Protein, 30% Carbohydrates, 20% Fat
    Month 2: 40% Protein, 40% Carbohydrates, 20% Fat
    Month 3: 60 Carbohydrates, 20 % Protein, 20% Fat

    While I like my spinach salad along with other veggies, I can't eat it every day. It would get too old. If I haven't had any vegetables that day I do a low sodium V8 to make sure I get something. To echo other posters, raw veggies are best but a V8 is better than NOT having any vegetables in you diet. I actually don't like tomatoes in huge slices or pieces but I can eat them in salad and V8 just tastes like a cold tomato soup to me. Having a low sodium V8 means I only gain 8 carbs (10 carbs to 2 protein).

    Anyone else have any low carb/calorie veggies that they like?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    That's good stuff! :wink:
  • wonderwomanwannaB
    This may sound lame, but try to teach yourself to like some vegetables. I always hated celery. For a month I made myself have celery as a snack (with 1 TBSP peanut butter) after my workout. Even if you can only take one bite. Then the next time 2. then maybe 3. Eventually you can train your taste-buds to many new things (I'll admit not all). It's like anything else you do, you practice until it's no big deal.

    Keep trying things until you find one tolerable (luckily, most veggies aren't pricey so it's not likely you are going to blow a bundle experimenting) and also prepare it different ways. A good way to start, too, is when you eat out always eat 1/2 of the vegetables that come with your dinner or see how much of your appetizer salad you can eat before adding dressing.

    In the past couple years I've grown to love carrots, celery, and asparagus. Still have a V8 sometimes, but that's just because I like it, not because I need it.
  • law5432
    law5432 Posts: 1
    V8 Low Sodium tastes great if you add Franks' Hot Sauce and some Worcestershire sauce!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't STAND eating vegetables. I literally choke and gag them down, even chase them with something to drink. Is it ok that I replace all of my vegetable intake with the low sodium version V8 every day?

    What do you mean by "is it ok"? The 11.8 oz can of V8 provides 2 servings of vegetables and is a healthy drink. But I'm not sure it's good to make that your only vegetable source. It's certainly better than no vegetables at all, though.

    If you don't mind drinking your vegetables, then I'd suggest getting a nutribullet or vitamix or something of that sort and creating your own juices that include the whole vegetable. Don't get a regular juicer as they elimintate the fiber.

    You might also try adding vegetables to soups, stews, sauces, etc. and using a blender to puree them.

    These vegetables that you say you HATE, how are you preparing them?