Something to really be grateful for and...Fast Food SNAG

:laugh: so, I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and love it- have only lost about a lb or so but that's ok. I don't have a ton to lose and I just want to stay healthy and slowly lose a few. Not to say I wouldn't love to see a big jump down, but my body doesn't do that unless I'm sick. I have 2 things to say to everyone. The first is that you should think twice before splurging at a Fast Food restaurant. Nothing personal against Arby's, but I got a beef n cheddar and small curly fries yesterday for lunch. I almost never eat Fast food and knew it wouldn't be good but every blue moon can't be that bad right? I had had a banana and pear and 2 cookies in the morning. Well, after putting in my Arby's lunch I was Over calories by 139 and it was only 2:30 in the afternoon! YIKES! I had no time to workout and I spent the rest of the day drinking water, tea, low cal vitamin water and didn't eat again! LOL In a way, it was funny because I had to learn the hard way that eating Fast Food was going to take up all my hard earned calories....I will not be doing that again! Today I'm having a salad for lunch and ran for 25 minutes so I have a lot of calories left. My "issue" probably is that I grab little snacks here and there all day. a bit of this, a tiny piece of that. It's probably why I've never really been too overweight once I was done losing 5 pregnancy weights, but it's also why when I think I'm eating so healthy and working out so great, that I don't ever lose and ounce and still can put on a couple pounds. It's the hidden snacking calories. This site is really helping me to not do that anymore and to track each thing I eat even if it's Arby's! lol

The other thing I want to share is we should all start our journeys and continue on them with a heart of gratitude for the bodies we do have and the health that we take for granted sometimes on our quest for the perfect number on the scale or reflection in the mirror. A good friend of mine is very ill with Cancer and she is only 48. I saw her yesterday and she is thin as a rail and it's not because she wants to be, it's because of the tumor in her stomach. So embrace the bodies we have, a few lbs too heavy or not because we have our health and she does not and she'd trade any of us for our healthy bodies and a chance at a long life in an instant. Just some perspective for all of us. God Bless,


  • horstboys5
    :laugh: so, I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and love it- have only lost about a lb or so but that's ok. I don't have a ton to lose and I just want to stay healthy and slowly lose a few. Not to say I wouldn't love to see a big jump down, but my body doesn't do that unless I'm sick. I have 2 things to say to everyone. The first is that you should think twice before splurging at a Fast Food restaurant. Nothing personal against Arby's, but I got a beef n cheddar and small curly fries yesterday for lunch. I almost never eat Fast food and knew it wouldn't be good but every blue moon can't be that bad right? I had had a banana and pear and 2 cookies in the morning. Well, after putting in my Arby's lunch I was Over calories by 139 and it was only 2:30 in the afternoon! YIKES! I had no time to workout and I spent the rest of the day drinking water, tea, low cal vitamin water and didn't eat again! LOL In a way, it was funny because I had to learn the hard way that eating Fast Food was going to take up all my hard earned calories....I will not be doing that again! Today I'm having a salad for lunch and ran for 25 minutes so I have a lot of calories left. My "issue" probably is that I grab little snacks here and there all day. a bit of this, a tiny piece of that. It's probably why I've never really been too overweight once I was done losing 5 pregnancy weights, but it's also why when I think I'm eating so healthy and working out so great, that I don't ever lose and ounce and still can put on a couple pounds. It's the hidden snacking calories. This site is really helping me to not do that anymore and to track each thing I eat even if it's Arby's! lol

    The other thing I want to share is we should all start our journeys and continue on them with a heart of gratitude for the bodies we do have and the health that we take for granted sometimes on our quest for the perfect number on the scale or reflection in the mirror. A good friend of mine is very ill with Cancer and she is only 48. I saw her yesterday and she is thin as a rail and it's not because she wants to be, it's because of the tumor in her stomach. So embrace the bodies we have, a few lbs too heavy or not because we have our health and she does not and she'd trade any of us for our healthy bodies and a chance at a long life in an instant. Just some perspective for all of us. God Bless,
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :laugh: so, I've been using MFP for 2 weeks now and love it- have only lost about a lb or so but that's ok. I don't have a ton to lose and I just want to stay healthy and slowly lose a few. Not to say I wouldn't love to see a big jump down, but my body doesn't do that unless I'm sick. I have 2 things to say to everyone. The first is that you should think twice before splurging at a Fast Food restaurant. Nothing personal against Arby's, but I got a beef n cheddar and small curly fries yesterday for lunch. I almost never eat Fast food and knew it wouldn't be good but every blue moon can't be that bad right? I had had a banana and pear and 2 cookies in the morning. Well, after putting in my Arby's lunch I was Over calories by 139 and it was only 2:30 in the afternoon! YIKES! I had no time to workout and I spent the rest of the day drinking water, tea, low cal vitamin water and didn't eat again! LOL In a way, it was funny because I had to learn the hard way that eating Fast Food was going to take up all my hard earned calories....I will not be doing that again! Today I'm having a salad for lunch and ran for 25 minutes so I have a lot of calories left. My "issue" probably is that I grab little snacks here and there all day. a bit of this, a tiny piece of that. It's probably why I've never really been too overweight once I was done losing 5 pregnancy weights, but it's also why when I think I'm eating so healthy and working out so great, that I don't ever lose and ounce and still can put on a couple pounds. It's the hidden snacking calories. This site is really helping me to not do that anymore and to track each thing I eat even if it's Arby's! lol

    The other thing I want to share is we should all start our journeys and continue on them with a heart of gratitude for the bodies we do have and the health that we take for granted sometimes on our quest for the perfect number on the scale or reflection in the mirror. A good friend of mine is very ill with Cancer and she is only 48. I saw her yesterday and she is thin as a rail and it's not because she wants to be, it's because of the tumor in her stomach. So embrace the bodies we have, a few lbs too heavy or not because we have our health and she does not and she'd trade any of us for our healthy bodies and a chance at a long life in an instant. Just some perspective for all of us. God Bless,
    thanks for your father also has cancer and really seeing things like this gives us a stronger appreciation for what we have and what we are able to do and control....thanks
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    i absolutely agree

    it puts everything in perspective

    good health to everyone and bless those who have lost it:drinker:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I sat with a lady at church during the end of her fight with colon cancer. She told me "I am the thinnest I have ever been." I realized even though I am fat I need to be thankful that I am here.

    Thank you for the reminder!:flowerforyou:
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I remember years ago when my grandmother was in a nursing home and battling cancer. I went to visit her one day with some other family members and when we left I gave her a hug. I thought she must be wearing some type of brace or something at first then I realized it was her bones. She was nothing but bones and skin. That was over 30 years ago and I still cry when I think about it. :cry: